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[2006-09-27] Online dating without clichés
I’ve recently become single after being in a five-year relationship and getting back into the dating game is, well, not so simple. Many of my friends have suggested I go online to meet someone. I’m not too keen on this idea, simply because I prefer the old-fashioned, three-dimensional kind of meeting.I will say I have scanned some of the online profiles on a sundry of women-seeking-women websites. If you know anyone who happens to bear a resemblance to Jennifer Connelly, please keep me in mind. From my personal analysis, I’d have to say lesbian profiles seem to fall into [...]
[2006-09-27] Sex-ed should address abuse, healthy relationships
Now that I’m all grown up, I tend to forget how awkward and frustrating it was to be a teenager. Yet for all that awkwardness, it was an amazing time of discovery. One major discovery was the opposite sex. Boy, that was fun, but only when put into a healthy context. What happens when something goes wrong? What happens when there is no healthy context? What happens when teens find themselves in an abusive relationship? Domestic violence has always been a problem, and one that is easy to ignore. We value privacy in this country, often to the point where we willingly look the other way. “It’s [...]
[2006-09-27] Islamist parasite places online personals ad
He’s looking for love, and by “love” I of course mean three more wives: Although already married with three children and reportedly living off £700 a month in state benefits, the 31-year-old is seeking more wives, with the intention of fathering more than nine children. On the site, Brooks — using his Muslim name Abu Izzadeen — describes himself as the “life of thee party” and admits to watching “a lot” of Al-Jazeera TV, the satellite network which has broadcast video messages from Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda. He says he is looking for a “second, third or fourth wife [...]
[2006-09-27] Two business matchmaking events scheduled in Delaware
Two upcoming events in Delaware will try to play “matchmaker” between small businesses and potential big-time customers -- including government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security and large corporations such as Bank of America and Dade Behring. Networking opportunities at the seventh annual Delaware Procurement Expo and the Mega BizFest will be supplemented by an assortment of educational sessions, ranging from research grants to the basics of international trade.The Procurement Expo. is 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday at the University of Delaware’s Bob Carpenter Center, Newark. The cost [...]
[2006-09-27] Dada USA Launches New Services
Dada USA, a New York-based subsidiary of Italy's Dada S.p.A, announced the official launch of its social networking and entertainment community for the U.S. market, with product suites spanning the mobile and online worlds. The company says the development and completion of its U.S. Website,, enables users to subscribe to a variety of value-added services that include a mix of personal blogging, profile matching services, text messaging, ringtones, mobile gaming and wallpaper. Dada USA sells a $9.99 monthly subscription service now available on major U.S. carriers and many second-ti [...]
[2006-09-27] Flirting with the art of thinking
PHILOSOPHY is making a serious move on the playful art of flirting. Do flirts have to know what they're up to? How can you prove yourself innocent on a flirting charge? Can you flirt with a robot and where would it get you anyway? Carrie Jenkins, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Australian National University in Canberra, teases out some answers in her paper The Philosophy of Flirting, soon to appear in the London-based The Philosophers' Magazine. The idea came to her during a romantic dinner in Lisbon. "(My partner, Daniel Nolan) is a philosopher as well so, being two philosophers [...]
[2006-09-27] Family First: Moms Helping Singles Find Love
The dating game is becoming a family affair. More and more busy single folks are turning to their moms for help. It has become so popular that moms can now find help with the search online. Dawn Miller recently launched, which does just that. CBS 2's Cindy Hsu recently sat down with Dawn to find out if mom really does know best.Who is the average matchmaking mom? While I wouldn’t say there is an average matchmaking mom per se, I would say that there is one unifying characteristic that all the moms on my website probably share: a genuine concern for their son/daughter’s well [...]
[2006-09-27] Adoption Scam: IN Woman Sentenced
A 42-year-old Carmel, Indianawoman, convicted of bilking couples out of nearly $100,000 in an adoption scam, has been sentenced to two years on electronically monitored home detention. Victoria Farahan also was sentenced to five years probation as part of a plea agreement on charges of mail and wire fraud. The Russian native pleaded guilty in June, as part of a deal with the US attorney's office. Authorities say Farahan told couples that she worked with an international agency and could use her Russian contacts to help them adopt children from that country. Authorities say couples gave he [...]
[2006-09-27] If your date doesn't stay in touch, why should you?
Dear Amy: I have been divorced for four years -- after 35 years of marriage. My friends encouraged me to try Internet dating. I've dated several men during the past three years -- all very nice but no real "match."Recently, I had a date with a man I met on the Internet, and we instantly connected. Here is where I need your advice and help. He needed to go back to his hometown to clear up some matters and will be gone for one or two months.I e-mailed him and told him to keep in touch and to have a safe trip.Do you think it is inappropriate for me to call his cell phone after two weeks just to s [...]
[2006-09-27] Web dreams, wedding realities
Email romance: Couple finds true love doesn't always live up to Cyberspace expectationsCarmen, a single mother of two daughters, was surviving on a small income from a juice stand in Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora, Mexico, in 2001 when she signed up with Internet service arranged marriages between Mexican women and American men.Internet marriage brokers, the digital, globalized incarnation of the old mail-order bride business, have proliferated during the last decade with the growth of the Internet. Though is now defunct, an estimated 500 agencies arr [...]
[2006-09-27] Russia strengthens ties with Latin America
In their everyday lives most Russians come in contact with Latin America when they drink Brazilian coffee and Mexican tequila, and go to the Lenkom Theater to watch the "Juno and Avos" rock opera, a tale of love between a Russian traveler and diplomat Nikolai Rezanov and Spanish girl Conchita in California, which was called New Spain in the early 19th century, and was later renamed Mexico. But few Russians are aware that the Rosticks chain of fast-food restaurants are a Russian-Venezuelan joint venture. On the political scene, the Israeli-Lebanese conflict, Iran's nuclear fuel program, Russia [...]
[2006-09-27] 72% of Singles are Positive They Will Get Married Some Day
October is Positive Attitude Month, and It’s Just Lunch, the premiere dating service for busy professionals with over 100 locations worldwide, has conducted a survey of 5,876 singles to gauge their attitude on life, love and happiness. The survey reveals that 65% of singles say they are generally happy people and 72% of singles are positive they will get married some day. Palm Desert, CA (PRWEB) September 27, 2006 -- October is Positive Attitude Month, and It’s Just Lunch, the premiere dating service for busy professionals with over 100 locations worldwide, has conducted a survey of 5,876 sin [...]
[2006-09-27] Illegal immigration damaging Russian economy - official
The 10 million illegal immigrants in Russia cause damages to the Russian economy to the tune of approximately 200 billion each year, Director of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) Konstantin Romodanovsky, said on Wednesday. The FMS is drafting amendments to more than 100 legislative acts on migration, including changes to simplify registration and employment rules for immigrants, Romodanovsky told an international conference at the State Duma entitled "The World Community against the Globalization of Crime and Terrorism." [...]
[2006-09-26] Internet Dating most Popular with Europeans: Study
European internet users are far more engaged in online dating than their North American counter parts, according to research revealed on Monday. Up to 18 percent, or over 38 million of European internet users visited online personals in July, slightly higher than the 17 percent of North American visitors who visited during the same period. The study conducted by market research firm, comScore Networks, shows that European visitors viewed an average of 310 pages per visitor in July – 44 percent more pages than their North American counterparts, however. The growth rates for users of personals s [...]
[2006-09-26] 6 States Consider Online Dating Regulation, Critics Say Laws Would Be Unenforceable, Ineffective
Citing concern over such portals being an online hunting ground for sexual predators and other criminals, lawmakers in a half-dozen states are considering new laws mandating the performance of criminal background checks by online dating sites, among other provisions, according to a report in the National Law Journal.Although New York already has a law on its books that regulates “social referral services,” that law amounts to a series of measures designed to prevent fraud on the part of dating services, both online and offline. The laws under consideration in California, Florida, Michigan, Ohi [...]
[2006-09-26] Europeans looking for love online
Europeansare more active on online dating sites than their American counterparts, new figures suggest. Statistics released by web monitoring firm ComScore reveal that 18 per cent of internet users in Europe visited dating sites in July this year, one per cent more than users in America. However, European visitors viewed an average of 310 pages per visitor, a 44 per cent increase compared to American visitors who average 216 pages per visitor. Breaking the stats down by country, users in Germany were the most active, racking up 446 pages each compared with 343 for France and just 213 in the [...]
[2006-09-26] Rachel's idea helps singles band together
SINGLE-minded Rachel Upton has jumped on the "band" wagon in her search for a partner. And her "Yes I am" wristband could be a business winner. JobCentre worker Ms Upton, 39, said: "I've done lots of dating sites and standing in the pub with my sister in law and thought that if there was something, like a bracelet, to show that you are available it would save a lot of time." Her pharmacy worker brother-in-law Geoff Jackson suggested a charity-style wristband: "We want people to see it, but also for it to be subtle," he said. "And when they see it to know what it means," added Ms [...]
[2006-09-26] Woman sentenced in Russian adoption scam
A woman convicted of bilking couples out of nearly $100,000 after promising to help them adopt Russian children was placed on electronically monitored home detention for two years Monday in federal court. Victoria Farahan, 42, a Russian native who lives in Carmel, also was sentenced to five years probation as part of a plea agreement on charges of mail and wire fraud, according to federal prosecutors. Farahan pleaded guilty in June as part of a deal with the U.S. attorney's office. Authorities say Farahan told couples that she worked with an international agency and could use her Russian co [...]
[2006-09-26] Dating, Global Style
My grandfather Randolph, born in 1896, knew something about the world. So when he spied a black and white couple walking hand in hand in Charlottesville, Virginia, in the mid-1980s and remarked, "They will always live on an island and you can't live life on an island," I took note.Well, grandfather, here I am — living on an island, literally. I've settled into a new job in Hong Kong, a mini, mountainous Manhattan in the South China Sea. People of every race, ethnicity and nationality freely intermingle here. The mixing of the matchmaking market has gone global. It's all a far cry from my sma [...]
[2006-09-26] You Won’t Find These Tips In The Kama Sutra
When she was first approached by a local sensuality group to lead a discussion on bedroom etiquette, creator Christan Marashio seized the opportunity. “Since MoxieintheCity’s foundation is based on effective communication and accountability, we saw this as an additional channel to use to spread that message.”, in the last 18 months, has held intimacy enhancement workshops in 5 cities including New York, Boston, DC, Chicago and Philadelphia. Classes are 90 minutes each, revolve around various bedroom skills and are presented to groups of men and wom [...]
[2006-09-26] Russian phrasebook: Tender forms of addressing your lady
My sweet Ìèëàÿ ìîÿ MIlaya moyA My sweetheart Ëþáèìàÿ ìîÿ LyubImaya moyA My sweet (tender) Ëàñêîâàÿ ìîÿ LAskovaya moyA My sun Ñîëíûøêî ìî¸ SOlnyshko moyO My joy Ðàäîñòü ìîÿ RAdost' moyA My gold Ìî¸ çîëîòöå MoyO zOlotse My dear Äîðîãàÿ ìîÿ DorogAya moyA My angel Àíãåë ìîé Angel moy My little girl Äåâî÷êà ìîÿ DEvochka moyA My bunny Çàé÷èê ìîé ZAychik moy You're my little Angel Ìîé ìèëûé àíãåë Moy mIliy Angel [...]
[2006-09-26] Russian phrasebook: tender words about Love
I love you ß òåáÿ ëþáëþ Ya tebyA lyublyU I can't live without you Íå ìîãó æèòü áåç òåáÿ Ne magU zhIt' bes tebyA I need you Òû íóæíà ìíå Ti nuzhnA mne I need you so much Òû î÷åíü íóæíà ìíå Ti Ochen' nuzhnA mne I need you more and more Òû íóæíà ìíå âñ¸ áîëüøå è áîëüøå Ti nuzhnA mne vsyO bOl'she i bOl'she I wish you were mine Õî÷ó, ÷òîáû òû áûëà ìîåé HachU, chtOby ty bylA moyEy I love you with all my heart, with all my soul Ëþáëþ òåáÿ âñåì ñåðäöåì, âñåé äóøîþ LyublyU tebyA vsem sErtsem, vsEy dushOyu There's no borders for my love Ìîÿ ëþáîâü íå çíàåò ã [...]
[2006-09-26] Russian phrasebook: Tender Words of admiration
You are so beautiful Òû òàêàÿ êðàñèâàÿ Ti takAya krasIvaya You are so tender Òû òàêàÿ íåæíàÿ Ti takAya nEzhnaya You are so wonderful Òû òàêàÿ ÷óäåñíàÿ Ti takAya chudEsnaya You are so splendid Òû òàê âåëèêîëåïíà Ti tak velikolEpna You are so magnificent Òû òàê âåëèêîëåïíà Ti tak velikolEpna You are so exciting Òû òàêàÿ âîëíóþùàÿ Ti takAya valnUyushaya You are so lovely Òû òàêàÿ êðàñèâàÿ Ti takAya krasIvaya You are so pretty Òû òàêàÿ ïðèâëåêàòåëüíàÿ Ti takAya privlekAtel'naya You are so cute Òû òàêàÿ ïðåëåñòíàÿ Ti takAya prelEsnaya You are so [...]
[2006-09-26] Russian phrasebook: How to tell your lady to marry you in tender Russian words
Will you marry me? Òû âûéäåøü çà ìåíÿ? Ti viy-desh za me-nyA? I want you to be my wife. Õî÷ó, ÷òîáû òû ñòàëà ìîåé æåíîé. HachU, chto-bee tee stA-la mo-yEy zshe-nOy. Let's get married. Äàâàé ïîæåíèìñÿ. Da-vAy pa-zshE-nim-sya. I love you very much and ask you to be my wife. ß î÷åíü ëþáëþ òåáÿ è ïðîøó ñòàòü ìîåé æåíîé. Ya O-chen' lyub-lyU te-byA I pra-shU stat' ma-yEy zshe-nOy. All I want is you were my wife. Âñ¸ ÷åãî ÿ õî÷ó - ÷òîáû òû ñòàëà ìîåé æåíîé. VsyO, che-vO ya ha-chU, chto-bee tee stA-la ma-yEy zshe-nOy. I give you my hand and my heart.. ß ïðåäëàãàþ òåáå [...]
[2006-09-26] Russian phrasebook: Tender forms of greeting your lady
Good Morning. Morning. ÄÎáðîå Óòðî! DObroye Utro! Good day ÄÎáðûé äåíü! DObriy den'! Good afternoon. Good evening. ÄÎáðûé âÅ÷åð! DObriy vEcher! Good night. ÄÎáðîé íÎ÷è! Dobroy nOchi! How do you do? ÇäðÀâñòâóéòå! Êàê äåëÀ? ZdrAvstvuyte! KAk delA? Hello. Hi. ÏðèâÅò! PrivEt! Welcome. ÄîáðÎ ïîæÀëîâàòü! DabrO pozhAlovat'! How are you? Êàê ïîæèâàåøü? Kak pozhivAesh? How are you feeling? Êàê òû ñåáÿ ÷óâñòâóåøü? KAk ty sebyA chUvstwuesh? I hope you are feeling well. Íàäåþñü, òû ñåáÿ õîðîøî ÷óâñòâóåøü. NadEyus',ty sebyA haroshO chUvstwuesh. Not [...]
[2006-09-26] Russian phrasebook: Tender forms of parting with your lady
I must be going. Ìíå íàäî èäòè. Mne nAdo idtI Good-bye. Äî ñâèäàíèÿ. Do svidAniya Bye for now. Ïîêà. PokA See you soon. Äî âñòðå÷è. Do vstrEchi So long. Äî ñêîðîãî ñâèäàíèÿ. Do skOrova svidAniya See you again. Äî ñêîðîãî ñâèäàíèÿ. Do skOrova svidAniya See you later. Óâèäèìñÿ ïîçäíåå. UvIdimsya pozdnEe. Cheerio! Ïîêà! PokA! All the best. Âñåãî íàèëó÷øåãî. VsegO nailUchshego. Good luck! Óäà÷è! UdAchi! Give my regards to.. Ïåðåäàâàé ïðèâåò .. PeredavAy privEt..... My [...]
[2006-09-26] Russian phrasebook: Tender forms useful to express your understanding
Is this clear? Ýòî ïîíÿòíî? Eto panyAtno? Pardon? Ïðîñòèòå? PrastIte? I'm sorry, what did you say? Ïðîñòèòå, ÷òî âû ñêàçàëè? PrastIte, chto vy skazAli? I see Ïîíÿòíî ßñíî. PanyAtno. Yasno. Am I speaking fast? ß áûñòðî ãîâîðþ? Ya bYstro gavaryU? Do you understand me? Âû ïîíèìàåòå ìåíÿ? Vy menyA panimAyete? I don't understand you. ß íå ïîíèìàþ âàñ. Ya ne panimAyu vas I understand you. ß âàñ ïîíèìàþ. Ya vas panimAyu I quite understand you. ß âàñ âïîëíå ïîíèìàþ. Ya vas vpalnE panimAyu I understand you quite well. Äà, ÿ âàñ õîðîøî ïîíèìàþ. Da, [...]
[2006-09-26] Russian phrasebook: Tender forms of expressing your ignorance and incomprehension
I haven't the faintest idea. Íå èìåþ íè ìàëåéøåãî ïðåäñòàâëåíèÿ. Ne imEyu ni malEisheva predstavlEniya I have no idea (how to do it). Íå çíàþ (êàê ýòî ñäåëàòü). Ne znAyu Ask me another. Ïî÷åì ÿ çíàþ. PachyOm ya znAyu I wouldn't know. Îòêóäà ìíå çíàòü. AtkUda mne znAt' I don't know. ß íå çíàþ. Ya ne znAyu I really don't know. ß äåéñòâèòåëüíî íå çíàþ. Ya deistvItel'no ne znAyu He's a stranger to me. ß åãî íå çíàþ. Ya evo ne znAyu I don't know him from Adam. ß åãî ñîâåðøåííî íå çíàþ. Ya evo savershEnno ne znAyu What's she driving at? Ê ÷åìó îíà êëî [...]
[2006-09-26] Russian phrasebook: Tender forms of expressing your interest during conversation opening
How are things? Êàê äåëà? Kak delA? How is it going? Êàê äåëà? Kak delA? What's new? Êàêèå íîâîñòè? KakIye nOvosti? How is your family? Êàê ñåìüÿ? Kak semyA? How is your mother? Êàê òâîÿ ìàìà? Kak tvayA mAma? Are you O.K.? Ó òåáÿ âñ¸ â ïîðÿäêå? U tyebyA vsyO v aryAdke? Fine, thanks. Ïðåêðàñíî, ñïàñèáî. PrekrAsno, spasIbo Very well. Î÷åíü õîðîøî. Ochen' harashO Not bad. Íåïëîõî. NeplOho O.K. Íîðìàëüíî. NarmAl'no Not so good. Íå î÷åíü õîðîøî. Ne Ochen' harashO The same. Òàêæå. Takzhe A bit tired. Íåìíîãî óñòàë NemnOgo ustAl [...]
[2006-09-26] Russian phrasebook: Delicate words useful when you are trying to phone your lady
May I speak to Helen? Ìîæíî ïîãîâîðèòü ñ Åëåíîé? MOzhno pagavarIt' s YelEnoy? May I speak to Helen? Ìîæíî Åëåíó? MOzhno YelEnu? May I speak to Helen? Åëåíó ìîæíî? YelEnu mOzhno? Is Helen at home? Åëåíà äîìà? YelEna dOma? Good morning. Helen please. Çäðàâñòâóéòå. Åëåíó, ïîæàëóéñòà. ZdrAvstvuyte. YelEnu pazshAlusta. I need to speak to Helen. Ìíå íóæíà Åëåíà. Mne nuzshnA YelEna. Whom am I talking to? Ñ êåì ÿ ãîâîðþ? S kem ya gavaryU? Please call Helen. Ïîæàëóéñòà, ïîçîâèòå Åëåíó. PazshAlusta, pazavIte YelEnu. May I hear Helen? Ìîãó ÿ óñëûøàòü Åëåíó [...]
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