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[2006-10-26] Not too much sex please, we are still British you know
One in eight women between the ages of 16 and 50 had no sex in the past year while the vast majority had only one partner, says a new report which paints Britain as a largely monogamous if not "sexless" society. The portrait of Britain's attitude towards sex and relationships was revealed by compelling socio-cultural data from the Office for National Statistics. Figures also showed that more than one in four women used the "morning-after" pill after forgetting to take the contraceptive pill, suggesting that the "morning-after" pill is increasingly used as a method of contraception despite me [...]
[2006-10-25] Online dating market has high potential
Fifty-three percent of Internet users in Taiwan are single, giving the country's market for online dating services high potential, a Yahoo! Taiwan official said yesterday. The figure compares with only 40 percent in 2003 and 44 percent in 2004, according to Wu Yuan-ju, head of the public relations department of the company, owner of the largest online dating site in Taiwan. With the population of singles increasing in Taiwan, approximately 750,000 of all 1.42 million Internet users in the country are single, Wu said. He said online dating meets the need of today's people because what he [...]
[2006-10-25] Thai Women Are Popular Choice In International Matchmaking Industry
When John Thompson's second marriage plummeted into divorce, the 49-year-old Hawaiian graphic designer had doubts he would ever meet the right American woman. On an impulse, while vacationing in Thailand, he signed up with Sweet Singles, a company that promised unlimited introductions to eligible Thai women. A year later, he married a 23-year-old Thai factory worker who could barely speak English, which had forced him to bring along a dictionary on their dates. But despite the communication problems, Thompson said he found the right woman. "It felt good from the very start," he said. "She c [...]
[2006-10-25] Online Dates Led To Rape
A local realtor has been arrested after being accused of taking women he met on a dating Web site to his own home and raping them. Images | Video Prosecutors said Joseph Garcia Jr., 47, met at least two of his victims on a Web site called, and investigators said there may be more victims, some of whom may be afraid to come forward. BC4's Donna Tetreault reported that Garcia appeared in court in Newport Beach on Monday, charged in the sexual assault of two women between the ages of 22 and 42. Garcia was charged with six counts of sexual assault. He was arrested Frid [...]
[2006-10-25] Mail-order brides: get 'em while they're hot
Designer bags were last season's accessory must-have. Designer babies may be the genetically enhanced status symbol of tomorrow. Designer wives, however, are available for order today-taxes nonapplicable-as willing participants in the mail-order bride industry.Over 100,000 women around the world are listed on the Internet as available for marriage to Western men; one site alone, A Foreign Affair, lists nearly 30,000. And while governments find it difficult to keep exact tallies - the fact that he found his wife at The Mail-Order Bride Warehouse isn't something a husband tends to advertise - ap [...]
[2006-10-25] Edinburgh is city for romance, according to survey
EDINBURGH is perceived as a romantic and cultural city, while Glasgow is seen as edgy and poor, a survey has revealed. Liverpool, meanwhile, has been named as the most "chavvy" city in Britain. The study by ICD Research represents an online survey of 1,000 UK adults asked to associate a series of personality statements with ten cities. London and Edinburgh emerged as the clear winners, taking the top spot in ten of the most desirable categories. Edinburgh was the only city which came close to equalling London's positive response, being deemed as the most cultural, romantic, cleanest an [...]
[2006-10-25] Schools May Offer More Single-Sex Classes Under New U.S. Regulations
New federal regulations announced yesterday give school systems around the nation more flexibility in offering single-sex public education, even though the Department of Education concluded a year ago that there was not enough evidence to definitively evaluate single-sex classes. Critics contended that the move was an invitation to schools to violate laws prohibiting sex discrimination in federally funded education programs. The action, announced by Education Secretary Margaret Spellings, gives school systems more freedom to establish single-sex schools and classes, as well as extracurricula [...]
[2006-10-25] Webquest to Debut Latest Online Dating, Relationships, Singles, and Personals Network has been designed to take advantage of the latest communication technology and multimedia innovations in order to address the mounting demands and personal expectations of online daters in a market that is currently a billion dollar business. seeks to provide a safe and comfortable, content rich destination, coupled with the latest user-friendly communication technology-based applications. Members will be able to seamlessly meet and connect with other members according to their individual schedules and according to their personal level of de [...]
[2006-10-25] New law making it harder to get a 'mail-order bride'
Adam Weaver thought everything was set to bring his Colombian fiancee, Yesenia Meza, to the United States.But Weaver did not count on being hindered by a congressional effort intended to protect women from potential abuse by American men who seek brides from other countries on the Internet. In June, the federal immigration service froze 10,000 visa applications for foreign fiancees because they did not conform with a law that went into effect in March.Weaver and Meza, who were expecting to be together here by now, were caught in the net."Smuggling a ton of cocaine into this country," Weaver fu [...]
[2006-10-25] Single-female vote targeted
During this country's last presidential election, 20 million single women did not vote. Women's Voices, Women Vote, a nonprofit in Washington, is trying to reach those women and persuade them to cast ballots this year and in 2008. Reaching these voters is difficult, said Joe Goode, executive director of the group. "Fifty percent of these single women live in households that make less than $30,000 a year," Goode said. Those 20 million single women, he added, "make up about 24 percent of the voting-age population. But in the 2004 election, they were only 22 percent of the people who actually [...]
[2006-10-24] World is full of more bachelors than ever
Paul Esserman can still hear his mother's voice: "Don't become a bachelor!" In the 1950s when this Denver stockbroker was a teenager, being a bachelor was regarded as a transitional time in a man's life. It was just a phase before marriage -- and a good woman -- would straighten out that man. But today, people are saving marriage for later in life. Pair that trend with the rising rate of divorce and the result is that people are living more of their lives as singles. That means the world is full of more bachelors than ever. Esserman, 63, has noticed the shift away from the time when [...]
[2006-10-24] Horrors of the singles scene are unveiled in comical new book
DATING is a necessary evil for those looking for love yet - long before Mr or Ms Right turns up - most singles will endure a series of nightmarish, boring and humiliating scenarios. Author Sam Jordison was so inspired by his own fumbling attempts that he launched to let internet users share their own cringe-making experiences. Overwhelmed by the horror stories, he has put together the best of the worst in the book Bad Dates - True Tales From Single Life. Here is the cream of the crop. One woman was really nervous about meeting her boyfriend's parents, especially as [...]
[2006-10-24] Newlyweds face new problems; here’s how to solve them
As you begin life as newly hitched, you will probably encounter a hitch or two (we couldn’t resist). Seriously: It’s normal, and you have nothing to fear. Yes, even that happy-looking couple holding hands in the park are adjusting to snags in their relationship. Here are some common newlywed dilemmas and how to solve them. ISSUE NO. 1 My in-laws are too involved in our lives. THE RESCUE Create boundaries. Your spouse feels awkward putting limits on his or her folks, and when they feel left out, they lay on the guilt. You and your spouse need to set boundaries and explain them in de [...]
[2006-10-24] Mobile dating grips Mizo youths
After speed dating, a formalised matchmaking process, silent mobile short message service (SMS) engagement has become quite a rage now-a-days among youth in Mizoram.According to the Mizo ‘gen next’, it is one of the best ways of finding their Mr or Miss Right, thanks to mobile phones and SMS. And hundreds of next generation members are signing up for these silent parties. Mizo youths today are too busy to find partners in the conventional way and they find it easier to lose their inhibitions when they are writing things down. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) and Airtel are the only service pro [...]
[2006-10-24] Marriage 'no longer relevant' say a third of women
NEARLY a third of British women regard marriage as "no longer relevant" in a modern society, according to research released today. Whirlwind romances also get the thumbs down, with 71 per cent saying couples marry in haste without thinking things through carefully enough. The research into women's changing attitudes to relationships, work and family lives, found older women were more cynical about the idea of wedded bliss. Asked about the 31 per cent of women rejecting marriage, Dr Linda Papadopoulos, a psychologist, said: "This shift in attitude may be a testament to the fact women feel [...]
[2006-10-23] Being single doesn't mean you're alone
You could almost hear the hysterical squeaking from the ``defenders of marriage'' following this month's news about a Census Bureau report showing that married couples in American households have fallen into the minority. Granted, it's a very slight minority, at 49.7 percent, but it's hard evidence that if you are single you are definitely not alone. What's significant here is not that marriage is on the wane. Statistics show that most people will marry at some point in their lives, so the institution is certainly not endangered. But what is endangered, thankfully, is the notion that being si [...]
[2006-10-23] 'Lord of the Ringtones' builds Kenyan empire
In a warehouse on the outskirts of Nairobi, the "Lord of the Ringtones" holds sway over a growing cellphone service empire amid an African explosion in mobile technology.With 14 employees and a clever Middle Earth-inspired slogan, Ken Njoroge's two-year-old Cellulant firm has seized on the phenomenal surge in cellphone use and a ballooning desire for people to customise their handsets with distinctive rings."Mobile phones are getting more and more sophisticated," says the 31-year-old "lord", as Cellulant employees in oversized headphones dispatch song snippets and ditties to customers for 82 c [...]
[2006-10-23] Free calls on Skype foster long-distance romance
It started as so many relationships do--the long phone calls, the movie dates, the tentative introductions to family and friends.But Mark Passerby and Salwa Al-Saban were separated by the Atlantic Ocean, a time difference of seven hours and vast cultural contrasts. He lived in Lansing, Mich., she in Egypt's capital, Cairo.They say they fell in love over Skype, a service that allows users to call each other free over the Internet. In November 2005, a month after they first "clicked" online, they married."Everyone around us thinks we're crazy," said Salwa, a 26-year-old doctor who just moved to [...]
[2006-10-23] The shadowy world of cybersex keeps getting weirder
Eight years ago, when Bill Clinton was caught lying about his affair with a White House intern, Mark Foley voted to impeach him. ''It's vile,'' said the congressman. ''It's more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction.'' As we say on the Internet: LOL. We now know that Clinton and Foley were on different teams, but not in the way Foley pretended. And the irony only begins there. The two men have played similar roles, not only in their reckless personal lives but in the cultural revolutions of their respective decade [...]
[2006-10-23] For These Kids, Same-Sex Marriage Debate Is Personal
Taped to Gavin McNeely Odabashian’s bedroom wall is her “Hall of Hotties,” where a red paper heart marked “husband” accords special status to movie heartthrob Jake Gyllenhaal. “Dark hair, blue eyes, kind of scruffy,” said Gavin, 15, listing her top hottie qualities as she settled in with her Spanish homework. Downstairs, 12-year-old Baylor hunkered in front of his “Gettysburg” computer game, remaking Confederate history in slippers he pilfered from his sister. A Darth Vader poster hangs on his bedroom wall next to one showing a dove of peace. The siblings have a life many might envy: A 3-ye [...]
[2006-10-23] Fear still exists after abusive marriages end
All three women were anxious, even eager, to share their domestic abuse experiences. One even contacted The Journal insistent on telling her story.Except for one small detail. They were all adament on anonymity.Why?Because even though they had moved on with their lives, they still feared for their lives.All believed their former husbands were good men. They just had a character flaw -- a propensity to abuse their spouses.The other character flaw they all agreed on? There would be serious repercussions by making the abuse public and by naming names.Three women chose to abandon the dual pain of [...]
[2006-10-23] Can't help not falling in love
With nearly half of men and a third of women in their early to mid-30s remaining single in Japan, marriage doesn't seem all that popular anymore. Yet bachelorhood is not usually a matter of choice: A poll by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research finds that the most common reason cited by singles in the 25-34 age bracket for not marrying is "an inability to meet suitable partners." So far, so obvious. But it's the reason why, according to Spa!, that more and more singles are turning to the Internet to meet that special someone to spend the rest of their lives w [...]
[2006-10-23] Entrapment by mobile phone now available via website
A NEW internet service has been launched which allows subscribers to send a text message that appears to come from someone else's mobile phone. The service, launched 18 months ago, has been used primarily by suspicious spouses to entrap their partner into revealing an infidelity, according to site founder Danny Fletcher. But it has also been used by amateur matchmakers to unite love-lorn but reticent friends; by workers to cause panic among colleagues through bogus texts from the boss, and even from parents sending friendly text exchanges to children from Santa Claus at Christmas. The si [...]
[2006-10-21] Dating agency makes the first move towards more growth
A TRADITIONAL dating agency launched in the Capital two months ago has unveiled plans to expand further north of the Border. Shunning modern internet and speed-dating services, dating guru Margo Medhurst, who opened Yours Sincerely after moving to Edinburgh in August, is already planning to take on extra staff in the Capital - and open a new branch in Glasgow. Unlike internet dating services, each client is met personally by Ms Medhurst and a profile, detailing their interests, personality and a new colour photo are passed on to potential matches before a date is set up. Ms Medhurst said [...]
[2006-10-21] More and more, technology is being used in Catholic life
Catholics are using the Internet more and more, relying on new technology for everything from dating to marriage preparation to faith formation. At 79, Marie McGrath didn’t hold out hope that she would find another soulmate. In 2000, she lost her ailing husband after caring for him for 14 years. “You don’t ever really expect to find happiness again,” the Cape Cod resident said. But she has, through the help of a Catholic Internet match-making site known as Catholic Mingle. Through the site she met Bernie, an 83-year-old man who also lost his spouse in 2000. “Neither of us expected to find [...]
[2006-10-21] Dating do's and donts
Coach Frankie's advice: Don't get stuck in the past or the future. Live in the now, where life happens. Be conscious of your surroundings. You could bump into a potential life partner and not see the person. Don't be afraid of the discomfort of singles events. Yes, you can feel icky. But if you're serious about finding a partner, you have to take the initiative. Find ways to meet new people. Make contact. Ask for numbers, share information. Don't give up and resort to the computer and online fantasies. It's too easy to scarf down your dinner and make cyber-love to s [...]
[2006-10-21] Looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in too many faces
If you needed a husband, a wife, a weekend fling, or someone with whom to share your amorous response to Civil War re-enactments, probably your last best hope was Michael Beaumier, the head of the personal ads department at the city's leading alternative newspaper, the Chicago Reader. Chicago singles turned to him with the most impossible of tasks: Help me craft the “I Saw You” ad that will locate the beautiful stranger I glimpsed, ever so briefly, in a public place. Newlyweds thanked him for supplying them with their soul mates. Even pimps obeyed him when he told them to please take their b [...]
[2006-10-21] Brownback’s Internet-bride law makes sense
Some American men seeking Internet-order brides find it burdensome, but the new International Marriage Broker Regulation Act, whose leading sponsor was Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., seems a smart safeguard against the growing problem of high-tech matchmaking that exploits and endangers women. “This is an unequal partnership where you have somebody dependent on somebody else in a profound way,” Brownback told the New York Times. “It puts women at a significant disadvantage, in a potentially violent situation.” The number of foreign women applying for permanent residency under the Violence Against [...]
[2006-10-21] To Be Married Means to Be Outnumbered
Married couples, whose numbers have been declining for decades as a proportion of American households, have finally slipped into a minority, according to an analysis of new census figures by The New York Times. The American Community Survey, released this month by the Census Bureau, found that 49.7 percent, or 55.2 million, of the nation’s 111.1 million households in 2005 were made up of married couples — with and without children — just shy of a majority and down from more than 52 percent five years earlier. The numbers by no means suggests marriage is dead or necessarily that a tipping poi [...]
[2006-10-21] Until death do us part—except every other Friday
Claire is a pretty, 31-year-old Park Sloper who studies furniture design. Her husband, Alex, is a 32-year-old Web-design consultant with a fondness for floral shirts. He’s the center of attention at a party; she’s the one off to the side, seemingly aloof but really just shy. That’s why she was shocked when, more than a year into their relationship, she was the one who found herself attracted to someone else. “I was totally confused, because I’d assumed that once I found ‘the one,’ I would be done with all that,” says Claire. “Going through all this was hard for us as a couple.” But when h [...]
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