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[2006-10-06] Stanislava - russian women (female) name
Origin: SlavicMeaning: Camp gloryUsage: Czech, Russian, SlovenePronounced: sta-ni-SLA-va Diminutive: Stasya, Stasen'ka Stanislava is a feminine form of Stanislaw which means 'camp glory' or 'government glory', from Slavic 'stan' meaning 'government' or 'camp' combined with 'slaw' – 'glory'. Two kings of Poland have borne this name. For Stanislava, it is business before pleasure. She can be romantically idealistic to a fault and is capable of much sensuality. But she never loses control of her emotions. Once she makes the commitment, though, she sticks like glue. [...]
[2006-10-06] Ulyana - russian female (woman) name
Origin: Greek / LatinMeaning: soft -hairedUsage: RussianPronounced: oo-LYA-naName day: January 3, 15, March 17, April 2, June 15, July 5, 19Diminutive: Ulya, Ulyanka Ulyana is a Russian feminine form of the Roman name Julianus. The name Julianus was derived from Julius. This was the name of the last pagan Roman emperor, Julian the Apostate (4th century). In medieval England this was also a feminine name. The Blessed Juliana of Norwich was a 14th-century mystic and author. This name was also borne by a queen of the Netherlands . [...]
[2006-10-06] Aurelia - russian female (woman) name
Origin: LatinMeaning: Golden, gilded' Usage: Ancient Roman, Italian, RomanianPronounced: au-RE-liyaDiminutive: Relya, Relechka Aurelia is a feminine form of Aurelius, Roman family name which was derived from Latin 'aureus' – 'golden, gilded'. Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor and philosophical writer. The name of Aurelia has made its bearer a hard worker with a meticulous sense of detail. She has a great deal of patience and independence, and she can be relied upon to complete her undertakings. She is stable, trustworthy, homeloving, and logical in practical matters. [...]
[2006-10-05] Las Colinas Online Dating Service Wins Lawsuit
A Las Colinas-based online dating service is claiming victory in the battle to keep its clients settled a landmark lawsuit against a man who lied about his criminal past. They say they achieved that, in part, because their competitive edge has always been their promise."We cannot guarantee that a criminal cannot get on our site. But I will guarantee that they will be sorry - very, very sorry - that they did," says CEO Herb Vest.The online dating service is the only one that conducts criminal background checks and requires potential members to take an online oath, of sort [...]
[2006-10-05] Online dating increases cyber-crime risk
An overwhelming majority of adults who take part in online dating sites or other types of social networking are unwittingly exposing themselves to hackers or identity thieves, according to a survey released today that is described as a first look at such networking.About 83 percent of adults engaging in social networking online are downloading unknown files from other peoples' profiles, potentially opening up their PCs to attacks, according to the survey by the National Cyber Security Alliance, a non-profit organization that promotes cyber awareness, in Washington, D.C., and CA Inc., the Islan [...]
[2006-10-05] Online dating in the dark
I have been corresponding with this guy thru an online dating service. He asks me all sorts of questions but doesn't answer any of mine. Do you think it is possible that he is hiding something? Could he be married still? His profile says he is divorced. I don t know what to make of it. He seems sincerely interested. But it really bothers me that he doesn't answer any of mine. There also is this other guy, we have flirted thru email, I sent him a picture of myself he told me I was cute. He then moved to Las Vegas. We went from a daily email to nothing at all. Why can t I realize that I am jus [...]
[2006-10-05] Company connects families
company that uses the Internet to match up families looking for new friends has expanded its services to the Carolinas. was founded and developed by six lifelong residents of the Carolinas, including Asheville residents John McAuley and Betsie Burch McAuley. The service, located at, is similar to online dating services, but matches up families instead of singles. Contact Mark Barrett at 828-232-5833 [...]
[2006-10-05] Event helps get singles together
So you’re 50. Around 50. Fiftyish, let’s put it. You’re divorced, or widowed. Or you’ve never been married but have chosen to remain single. You might have kids, or grandchildren even. Maybe you see them often, and that’s a wonderful way to spend your free time. You have good friends, although many of them are married and lately you’re feeling a bit like the odd one out. In other words, you’re happy with your life. But it’s not quite the same as having a significant other. A partner. Or even a good friend. And here’s the trick. You want to meet people, but not just anybody. You’re a succes [...]
[2006-10-05] Young women rate dinner better than sex
YOUNG women prefer going out for a romantic dinner or getting a massage to having sex, a new report has revealed. The Turbo Twenties study, which surveyed 570 Australian women in their 20s, also found financial security and travelling the world were their most important priorities -- more important than having children. About 30 per cent of participants said they preferred a romantic dinner to bedroom action, while a further 22.5 per cent rated a massage as better than sex. Only 16.6 per cent said they would rather have sex. Study author Tania Farrelly said she was surprised at the numb [...]
[2006-10-05] Are Single Mothers the ‘New American Family?’
Call it the backlash against the backlash. Over the past decade, Americans have increasingly understood that the divorce revolution, fatherlessness and single parent households are harming our children. Now those who view the traditional family as disadvantageous to women are firing back, defending women who choose single motherhood and depicting fathers as superfluous. Last fall Stanford University Gender Scholar Peggy Drexler penned the highly-publicized book Raising Boys Without Men: How Maverick Moms Are Creating the Next Generation of Exceptional Men. This month Oxford Press released Wel [...]
[2006-10-05] Dilemmas of the Russian Diaspora
According to current estimates there are 20 to 30 million Russians speaking peoples living outside of [...]
[2006-10-05] 13 years since the Moscow street war
There was a communist rally in Moscow today, to commemorate the 13th anniversary of the clashes in Moscow between violent communist/nationalist protesters and pro-Yeltsin police and army units. The clashes ended in the storming of the Supreme Council the next day, the event commonly summarised as “Yeltsin shelled the parliament”. The parliament, one must keep reminding oneself, that had, several days before, issued a decree that disobeying this parliament’s orders (orders?) was punishable by death, and presided by a smug Ruslan Khasbulatov who had, on the day before, called on the pro-parlia [...]
[2006-10-05] 13 years since the Moscow street war
There was a communist rally in Moscow today, to commemorate the 13th anniversary of the clashes in Moscow between violent communist/nationalist protesters and pro-Yeltsin police and army units. The clashes ended in the storming of the Supreme Council the next day, the event commonly summarised as “Yeltsin shelled the parliament”. The parliament, one must keep reminding oneself, that had, several days before, issued a decree that disobeying this parliament’s orders (orders?) was punishable by death, and presided by a smug Ruslan Khasbulatov who had, on the day before, called on the pro-parlia [...]
[2006-10-05] Tochka? Tochka.
The most frequent search keyword that lands people on this site is “tochka”. So, well, I guess I should supply what is demanded and give a definition. “Tochka”, òî÷êà, means a point or dot. It is related to one of the Russian words with a rare combination of initial consonants, the verb tknut’, to prick or prod. I’ve heard “tochka” used in English as a term for cable radio, something that became common in Russia during Soviet times; this meaning derives from radiotochka, the name of the wall socket where you plugged the receiver in. “Tochka Net” means, quite simply, “dot net”; there’s no p [...]
[2006-10-05] Tver: An unexceptional city
Yes, it serves me right for picking a Russian city (Tver) at random to explore.However some interesting tidbits here and there:As good a site as you will find for Tver (located between Moscow and St.Petersburg - though closer to the former). The site reveals that... The image of modern Tver with its present, clear, and rational layout is aunique example of 18th century architecture and city planning. Commissioned byCatherine the Great, the renowned Italian architect Rostrelli incorporated manyof his ideas for the construction of St. Petersburg to rebuild Tver after adisastrous fire in 1763 th [...]
[2006-10-05] Kazan: Capital of Tatarstan, Russia
Kazan, a million plus city in western Tatarstan, a region that is perhaps 2/3rds MuslimAs in much of Russia, Kazan's architecture tells history quite wellA Washington Post article on relations between Tatars and Russians in Kazan: We spent part of the day walking around Kazan -- which means "cauldron" inTatar -- asking people on the street what they thought. One thing we heardrepeatedly was that "mixed marriages" abound here, apparently more so than inother ethnic enclaves. About half of the Tatars we stopped reported beingmarried to Russians, and vice versa. "How can you hate Tatars when you [...]
[2006-10-05] Yaroslavl: I was there
Yaraslavl- named after Yaroslavl the Wise (11th century Rus ruler), pop. 650,000, 150 miles northeast of Moscow. Second largest city in Russia during the 17th century.Yes, I was there in 2004 and enjoyed my visit, esp the Baltic Restaurant, walking the Volga embankment, strolling the downtown city park, viewing pastel-colored buildings on the side streets, and so on. While driving through the city, I saw a Chevy Impala which, upon closer inspection, had a NYPD logo on the sidedoor. Strange...As usual, Kommersant provides a pretty good rundown of the city and its prospects, including this descr [...]
[2006-10-05] Ivanovo: City of Brides
Why City of Brides? Because the city (pop 455,000) has long been Russia's textile capital, an industry predominantly female.Unfortunately, the city's heavy reliance on its textile industry has led it toward somewhat of a decline (reminds me of my hometown Detroit): After 1990, however, the industry's monostructure became its downfall. Like manyother manufacturing plants, Ivanovo's large, fully-automated "8th March TextileFactory" was closed down; its buildings were converted into a shopping mall.These days, unemployment, partly overt and partly concealed, is high. The numberof its inhabitants [...]
[2006-10-05] Samara: Home to Stalin's Bunker
Samara, known as Kuybyshev during Soviet times, is a 1+ million cityon the Volga about 600 miles southeast of Russia. And yes, Stalin's bunker was situated in Samara- indeed, the city was the country's secondary capital from 1941-43. Because the city was involved in aerospace manufacturing (including space flight), it was a 'closed city' during the cold war. (more on the bunker).The twin city of St. Louis seems fitting. The site reveals, Russia's get-ahead Volga region of Samara is seeking to secure itself aglittering future as a center for Western capital, by setting up its own goldreserves [...]
[2006-10-05] Ryazan: Home to Russia's Stonehenge
Ryazan, a half-million city about 196km southeast of Moscow, is mostly known for its military bases (perhaps 3-4% of the population is employed by the military). Perhaps not so ironic given that Ryazan was the first Russian city to meet the Mongols of Batu Khan (1237)- and was wiped out. Kommersant, as usual, provides good background on the city/region.Given its military bases, its perhaps not surprising that a paratrooper general from the nationalist Rodina (motherland) party just won a gubernatorial election in the province (though the communist party is still strong in Ryazan (pic)). Or tha [...]
[2006-10-05] Ryazan photos
Welcome to Ryazan Ryazan also spelled RIAZAN, OR R'AZAN', city and administrative centre of Ryazan oblast (province), western Russia. It lies along the Oka River on the site of the ancient town of Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, about 120 miles (193 km) southeast of Moscow. The original Ryazan, first recorded in 1095, lay downstream at the Pronya confluence. The seat of the early principality of Ryazan, it was destroyed in 1237 by the Mongols; only the ruins of its ramparts remain. Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, thought to have been founded in 1095, was unimportant until the 13th century when the Ryazan bi [...]
[2006-10-05] Why Are All Russian Women So Skinny?
Skinny Russian Women are indeed a source of wonderment.Skinniness is the prime reason why American men, who obsess about weight issues - except their own - flock to Russia to find a Russian wife. And within nanoseconds, they fall in love with the Russian Woman's embossed rib cage and breasts no more Michelin than a mosquito bite.What is the explanation for this wonder of the modern world? Russian Women Do Not Cook Or Eat In Any Meaningful Way Logically, girls who don't cook - are unlikely to eat in any meaningful way. But with Russian Women, this is more the result of vanity. As we know, the [...]
[2006-10-05] Alexandra, Sasha - Russian woman (female) names
It is the female form of the name Alexander. It is of Greek origin and it means “people’s protector.” If Alexandra is the only child in the family, she will be fretful and obstinate. She doesn’t not like to play with other children and prefers the company of herself. As a rule Alexandra enjoys strong health. At the school age she willingly goes in for sport and can achieve remarkable success due to her determination. Alexandra is reserved and rarely gets along with her mother. At school she can do well if she finds it necessary. Housework does not hold much appeal for her and when her family [...]
[2006-10-05] Alla - Russian woman (female) names
The name id supposedly of Germanic origin. The exact meaning is not defined. Since early childhood Alla is noted for her love for herself and her appreciation of herself. Among other children she always stands out as she seems a bit detached from children’s games and tricks. At the same time she will definitely try to make herself conspicuous with her new dress, doll or her behaviour. Alla can drive her mother to the verve of tears demanding to tie her bow in other way. As a rule she does well at school, she is diligent and persevering but she would not set the world on fire - it takes her t [...]
[2006-10-05] Anastasia, Nastya - Russian woman (female) name
It is the female variant of Anastas. The name is of Greek origin and it means “resurrection.” Anastasia is the name of Russian fairy tales and a girl called so is somehow destined to be the prettiest, the most delicate and intelligent. In childhood she is loved by everyone and she never comes short of their expectations - she will never be nor revengeful nor malicious. On the contrary she is thin-skinned and defenseless against sly and evil people; she can be easily offended and deceived. The girl loves dreaming, find delight in fairy tales and enjoys rich imagination. She is a bad eater whi [...]
[2006-10-05] Anna - Russian woman (female) name
Anna is a artistic child and loves everything beautiful. She looks after puppies and kittens; she takes care of nestlings. Anna’s kindness seems not to know any limits. If there is someone crying you cannot find a better comforter. Anna is easy-going and has virtually no enemies. She is good with her hands - as a child she sews dresses for her dolls; later she can easily make a dress for herself or for her friend. Anna is one of those people who will never forget to visit a relative or an acquaintance in hospital or to fetch some fresh bread for an elderly neighbour. She lives with not only he [...]
[2006-10-05] Anzhela, Anzhelika - Russian woman (female) names
is derived of another name - Anzhelika - and it means “angelic.” As an adult Anzhela is often and attractive and charming woman. The only thing is that she does not count only on her beauty and even does not try to emphasize it. She appreciates other values: intelligence, knowledge and career success. That is where she tries to do justice to herself. Anzhela is a strong and self-loving personality and she knows how to get her own way. For lots of men Anzhela remain a riddle forever. After knowing her for a long time they still fail to understand what makes her tick. For instance, when ever [...]
[2006-10-05] Daina - Russian woman (female) name
Daina is an impulsive and emotional personality. She acts on impulse and often makes mistakes because of it. However owing to her perseverance and hard-working she carries her job through. Daina is short-tempered and in the heat of the moment she can blurt out offensive words; however she calms down quickly. She is a wonderful housewife. As a rule she has several children and thinks the world of them. She is a dreamer and a good storyteller. At work Daine is often promoted owing to her perseverance and assiduity. She is an incurable optimist and no failure can make her give up. Perhaps tha [...]
[2006-10-05] Ekaterina , Katya - Russian woman (female) name
The name is of Greek origin and it means "pure, chaste." Many people deem it to be royal, tsar's name. Even its sound seems to carry something discernibly majestic and imperious. Unfortunately the majority of its holders do not conform to this notion. Since early childhood Ekaterina is quite reserved and keeps everything to herself. She is thrifty and a bit avaricious. If she comes along to some other people she will definitely return with an apple or candy since there will always be an adult mesmerized with her smartness and intelligence. Ekaterina is ambitious and she painfully puts up w [...]
[2006-10-05] Elena, Lena - Russian woman (female) name
The name is of Old Greek origin with its meaning being still not quite clear - it might be "clear, chosen." Since early childhood Elena loves fairy tales. She is a bit reserved and is never is complete tune with other children - she is always slightly aloof engrossed in the world of her imagination. Elena is trustful but if she faces deception based on her credulity she will definitely try to punish the person who has deceived her demonstrating remarkable creativity and imagination in the matter. Elena is kind but in childhood her kindness is not of energetic nature. For instance she can bri [...]
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