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[2006-07-13] Mail-order brides on hold waiting for new forms |
WASHINGTON -- True love waits for no one -- except maybe the Homeland Security Department.
Red tape has put wedding bells on hold for about 10,000 U.S. citizens seeking visas for their foreign brides and grooms as the department creates new paperwork.
The form change was required as part of a law, enacted in March, to protect foreign mail-order brides from abusive American spouses. But Homeland Security missed its deadline three months ago, putting the visa applications of thousands of law-abiding lovers in limbo.
The department said Tuesday it would send out additional forms that should sa [...] |
[2006-07-13] US paperwork problem delays marriage visas |
Recent changes to an application form for U.S. citizens to marry foreign nationals have delayed up to 10,000 visas. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) attempted to make some changes to regulations that would give stronger protection to foreign-born brides and grooms, but several thousand visa applications have been held up due to a missed deadline.
The form change was required as part of a law, enacted in March, to protect foreign mail-order brides from abusive American spouses. The department said Tuesday it would send out additional forms to the visa seekers for more information that [...] |
[2006-07-13] Putin Calls for Russians to Come Home |
We are at a critical juncture," Putin said last week, as he described population decline as a threat to Russia's national security. The official statistics say that the number of Russians has shrunk by 11.2 million since 1993 because of high mortality and a low birth rate. If the trend continues, the population could fall from 143 million today to 100 million by mid-century.
A new decree, signed by Putin and posted on the Kremlin Web site, authorizes a state program on "assisting the voluntary immigration of compatriots living abroad" and set up a state commission to oversee the process. [...] |
[2006-07-12] Groups seek limits on ‘damaging' ads for foreign brides |
July 12, 2006 ㅡ South Korean civic groups submitted a petition to the National Human Rights Commission yesterday hoping to protect foreign women marrying Korean men by legally regulating advertisements by local match-making agencies."The advertisements not only are damaging to the human rights of foreign women but also create prejudice and discrimination against all women," the petition read. Street placards, signboards and newspaper advertisements for agencies that arrange marriages between Korean men and East Asian women have been widely criticized, because they say such things as as [...] |
[2006-07-12] Marriage broker law seeks to protect readily exploited women |
Spewing outrageous fabrications, Dave Root’s op-ed (“Congress Sabotages International Marriage”) grossly mischaracterizes the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (IMBRA). This common-sense, self-help law alerts foreign fiancé(e)s to violent criminal histories of their prospective American mates, and tells them how they can get help if they are abused, so they can keep themselves and their children safe from harm. IMBRA also prevents “mail-order bride” agencies from recruiting girls under 18; requires agencies to disclose whether an American client is a registered sex offender; an [...] |
[2006-07-12] All you need is love… and an internet connection |
Will technology call time on the post-pub drunken fumble? New research suggests that 10pc of single Irish people are now using internet dating services as an alternative to chance encounters in the local. According to findings from the Irish community website Online.ie, there has been a big increase in the numbers of Irish people using online dating and it is now the third most popular way of meeting a partner. In Ireland, research suggests that by 2008 six out of 10 singles will be looking for love online.Finding romance at the end of a modem cable is said to be closing fast on the traditiona [...] |
[2006-07-11] Officials Warn Against Elderly Online Dating Scam |
(CBS4) DENVER Officials issued a warning to senior citizens about online dating after an Englewood woman fell in love and almost lost her fortune to her e-mail sweetheart. After her husband died of leukemia, Debbie Fedde said she went online to look for love and soon met a man named Paul. "We seemed to have a lot in common with one another," Fedde said. "He loved animals, he loved genealogy, he loved to travel."Paul told Fedde he was working in Nigeria. She always noticed a Vermont area code when he called but she was so smitten that she never questioned it until a late night phone call came [...] |
[2006-07-11] Runaway spouses get golden ticket |
When he first saw the front page of the Sunday Sun about a woman abandoned shortly after sponsoring her Cuban groom here, Shah nervously joked to his bride, "but you wouldn't leave me, right?"
She gave him a big hug. "What a stupid question," she assured him. "Of course not."
But the very next day the Cuban woman had vanished as well, joining an epidemic of foreign brides and grooms who are ditching their Canadian spouses soon after using them to get to this promised land.
And there is virtually nothing the jilted can do about it.
Cindy first told her story here June 25, of how she had [...] |
[2006-07-11] Mail-order brides on hold waiting for new forms |
WASHINGTON -- True love waits for no one -- except maybe the Homeland Security Department.
Red tape has put wedding bells on hold for about 10,000 U.S. citizens seeking visas for their foreign brides and grooms as the department creates new paperwork.
The form change was required as part of a law, enacted in March, to protect foreign mail-order brides from abusive American spouses. But Homeland Security missed its deadline three months ago, putting the visa applications of thousands of law-abiding lovers in limbo.
The department said Tuesday it would send out additiona [...] |
[2006-07-10] Cheeky bride ad leaves bad taste |
But Gareth Hughes, marketing manager for 42 Below Stil Vodka, has no regrets about the cheeky campaign, which he reckons has helped sell liquor worth more than $90,000.
Bottle tags for the "Find-a-bride" promotion proclaimed "Russian Women are awesome! They don't care if you watch cricket on Valentine's Day. Hell! They don't even care if you're short and fat! It's almost too good to be true."
This drew a complaint from K Salviera, who said it was insulting, disgusting and disrespectful of Russian culture, and portrayed Russian women as commodity goods.
42 Below claimed the spirit of its [...] |
[2006-07-10] Online Dating Services - How To Prepare a Great Profile and Get a Date on the Internet |
Online dating has become a $400 million a year business, and for good reason. It may be one of the best ways to meet people with a similar interest. Some of the biggest players include e-Harmony and Great Expectations, which offer a great service for those looking for a partner.
Of course these companies need to make a profit to exist, but registration is free with Match.com. After agreeing to some of their terms, the company can provide you some photos that may interest you.
There are some important dos and don’ts though. Make sure your photo is current. TV executive and Hollywood Publici [...] |
[2006-07-10] Google online dating service: Google Romance for real? |
Google Base is amassing a database of “people profiles.” I discuss a future Google.com classifieds strategy based on Google Base classifieds listings surfacing in Google.com in my "Google.com 'refinement boxes': future classifieds 'complete solution'? " The same analysis applies to Google Base people profile listings; Google is using the free “people profiles” it obtains from users at Google Base to fuel “refinement box” search queries for online networking and online dating (see also myGoogle Base obtains the world's content for free, Google.com capitalizes on it .)
While Google’s latest Apr [...] |
[2006-07-10] July in Russian History |
July 31
1976: Six Eastern European athletes, one from the U.S.S.R. and five from Romania, defected to Canada during the Olympic games in Montreal.
1991: Bush-Gorbachev summit negotiates strategic arms reduction treaty
July 30
1903: The Second Congress of the RSDLP opened in Brussels (Bolshevik/Menshevik split)
1953: Future cosmonaut Aleksandr Nikolayevich Balandin born in Frayzino, Moscow, Russia.
1956: 11-year old singer Brenda Lee, from Lithonia, Georgia, recorded her first hit song for Decca Records; "Jambalaya" and "Bigelow 6-500".
July 29
1817: Ivan Aivazovskii (arti [...] |
[2006-07-07] Pew Internet: Online Dating |
Online Dating: Americans who are seeking romance use the internet to help them in their search, but there is still widespread public concern about the safety of online dating
There is now relatively broad public contact with the online dating world. Some 31% of American adults say they know someone who has used a dating website and 15% of American adults – about 30 million people – say they know someone who has been in a long-term relationship or married someone he or she met online. Yet, dating websites are just one of many online avenues that can facilitate a romantic connection. Three out [...] |
[2006-07-07] Ukrainian gays demand rights |
Ukraine gay groups have published an public letter demanding the legalisation of same-sex marriages.The letter, addressed the Ukrainian president Viktor Yuschenko, responds to anti-gay marriage efforts by the Greek Catholic Church. "Declare valid in Ukraine same-sex marriages among citizens of Ukraine or between citizens of Ukraine and foreigners, marriages that took place legally in another country, and civil partnerships that were legally registered abroad," the Ukrainian News Agency reports the letter says.The group calls for sexual orientation to be included in workplace discrimination law [...] |
[2006-07-07] Professor Loses 540,000 Yuan In online dating scam |
A 58 year old Chinese college professor was cheated of 540,000 Yuan by hisonline girlfriend, reports Nanfang City News. The professor registered on a famous dating website in autumn 2005 to find a wife. There, he met a girl who claims to be recovering from drug abuse. The girl even sent him several pictures of movie star Zhang Ziyi and claimed them as her own from when she was in her twenties. The professor sent the girl 540,000 Yuan to help her recover from drug abuse. [...] |
[2006-07-06] Top nine dating Web sites |
Here are the most popular "traditional" online dating sites, according to Online Dating Services Reviews and Guide. The results are from Alexa, which provides online traffic rankings from 16.5 million active Web sites. Note: Rankings don't refer to a site's quality or effectiveness, just its popularity.
1. match.com
2. americansingles.com
3. matchmaker.com
4. date.com
5. friendfinder.com
6. datingdirect.com
7. dreamdates.com
8. cupidjunction.com
9. eharmony.com
[...] |
[2006-07-06] Australian Online Dating Service launches new Anti-Fraud system |
Slinky Dating Australia www.slinky.com.au has launched a new anti-fraud system to eliminate fraudulent users signing up as dating members and then swindling other unsuspecting members.
Slinky Dating Australia has always targeted Australian only members, but has always been inundated with foreign web surfers trying to become members from places like Ghana, Nigeria and the Ukraine.
More often than not they would try and hide their locations pretending to be in Australia by using local post codes or telephone details that turned out to be false. They would then use stolen credit cards to b [...] |
[2006-07-06] Kia's New Dating Service |
Can't find a date? Well, if you're lucky enough to live in the UK, Korean car manufacturer Kia may be able to help you out. Kia's trying out something called "Drive Dating", where young singles drive around in cars and hope to make some kind of love connection. Sound weird? It is... at least we think so. We'll let the Kia UK PR machine explain this new concept to us...
Research shows that driving with your 'other half' is the ultimate test of love, with one in five singletons admitting to ending a relati [...] |
[2006-07-06] Don’t Fall for the Cell Phone Dating Service Scheme -The FBI Reports |
06/28/06 —The FBI has been alerted to newly discovered malware located at http://www.irrealhost.com. Malware is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner’s consent.
The identified malware lures victims to the website through a bogus text message sent to their cell phones. The message thanks recipients for subscribing to a dating service (which is fictitious) and indicates that a subscription fee of $2 per day will be automatically charged to their cell phone bills until their subscription is canceled at the online site [...] |
[2006-07-05] Online dating 'good for romance' |
Dating websites can give people a "surprisingly high" chance of long-term romance, suggests a study published on St Valentine's Day.
Some 94% of UK online agency customers questioned saw their "e-partner" again after the first face-to-face meeting.
Bath University psychologist, Jeff Gavin, surveyed 229 adults, finding web dating worked "for many people".
But he told BBC News that 4% of those customers who took part in the study "were already married".
UK-based internet dating agencies have an estimated six million subscribers.
Most of these, Dr Gavin said, provided very [...] |
[2006-07-05] Online dating sites accused of deception |
LOS ANGELES.– After looking for love on the Internet and failing to find it, frustrated lonely hearts are heading to court, accusing online dating sites of engaging in deceptive practices.
A recent lawsuit against Match.com charged the matchmaking service with sending a female employee out on a date with a male subscriber as "date bait" to keep him signed up. Another lawsuit against a personals service offered by Yahoo Inc. accused the Internet portal giant of creating fake profiles to entice subscribers.
Match.com denied the allegations and obtained an affidavit from the woman in question, [...] |
[2006-07-05] Dating Site Member Whitelists |
Edward at Other Singles has been using Google Trends to track the popularity of the term "dating" according to geography.
Check out the graph. It shows Google search terms related to dating from regions of the world. Searches related to "dating" on Google eclipse all of the other countries combined. Granted Google Trends is still in Beta, even if the results are off by 50% there are still a lot of Nigerian "daters" looking for "dates". I have to wonder how many dating sites are using AdWords and not filtering out where their AdWords display (exclude Nigeria for example).
Edward outs scamme [...] |
[2006-07-05] Older Americans are rediscovering the fun and frustration of dating |
With more than half of all people ages 40 to 69 either divorced or separated and 30 percent having never married, older Americans are turning to the Internet, speed dating or the old fashioned hook-up for companionship.
Karen Reyes, the manager of editorial projects for AARP The Magazine, says the latest tool is the online dating service.
She advises older Americans to be truthful, and take their time. She advises singles, especially those 50 and older, to use a service that can match them with someone who is far more compatable.
© 2006
The Associated Press
[...] |
[2006-07-05] Yahoo! sued by dating site over Google keywords |
Yahoo! is being sued for allegedly paying to trigger adverts when a dating site's name is typed into Google. The owner of Lovecity.com accuses Yahoo!, which also runs a dating service, and three other companies, of infringing its trade marks.
Advertising words in Google have stirred up recent controversy as companies use similar techniques to gain an edge on competitors. Courts have given mixed rulings so far in cases involving such brands as Geico, Zocor and Edina Realty.
In the Yahoo! case, JP Enterprises says that Yahoo!, HDVE LLC, Spark Networks and Insight Direct USA are guilty [...] |
[2006-07-05] Dissatisfied client sues dating service |
SCHAUMBURG, Ill., June 5 (UPI) -- A Chicago-area woman says a dating service failed her by neglecting to match her up with a nice Jewish man.
Galina Safir is suing Soulmates, seeking the return of her $4,500 fee, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
The dating service says it gave Safir referrals to 10 men who matched the profile she said she was seeking. Soulmates says Safir did not specify that she was only interested in Jewish men of European descent until a month after she paid her fee.
The lawsuit claims Soulmates violated Illinois law by failing to provide a full refund, a claim the [...] |
[2006-07-05] Divorcee sues a lonely hearts agency over her eight dire dates |
When Janet Forse signed up with the New Horizons dating agency she hoped to meet her dream man.
A rugged, educated, muscular individual with his own home and a good sense of humour were among her specifications.
But the 49-year-old divorcee claims the agency put her in touch with eight social misfits. She said three men were unemployed and one of them lived in a caravan.
One potential partner, she said, was drunk when he phoned to arrange their first date.
Now Mrs Forse, a beautician, has lodged a claim at Gloucester County Court to have her £250 signing-on fee refunded and compla [...] |
[2006-07-05] Online dating secrets: Free dating myth and how does it work |
ONLINE DATING TENDENCIES In January 2006 Jupiter Research consumer survey found that 5% of Internet users paid for online dating subscriptions in the last year, down slightly from 6% in 2005. Industry-wide user conversion rates fell for the first time since Jupiter Research began tracking that metric. Jupiter Research analyst Nate Elliott said that industry growth in the last twelve months has been driven by higher monthly fees rather than an increasing number of subscribers. He’s is absolutely right from our point of view. In 2005 dating business field was slightly modified because of huge co [...] |
[2006-07-04] Russian Email Habits |
With Internet use on the rise, strong corporate presences online and appearance of the first sprouts of e-commerce, Russia might seem to be normal in respect to the virtual world. But looks can be deceiving, and Russia's email ways belie darker truths...
If a poll or survey were conducted, Russians would surely rate among the world's least reliable email correspondents. When corporate code of conduct does no not directly require rapid email response - as is becoming common for bigger businesses in Moscow and elsewhere - Russians take forever to reply (if at all) and change their email address [...] |
[2006-07-04] Myths and Realities of Russia's Population Crisis |
While at odds with each other on almost everything else, Russia watchers and Russian officialdom seem to agree on the problem of Russia’s demographic decline. That there is a problem is out of the question. Unfortunately, much of the debate about Russia’s demography is rubbish. Though I will not claim to have solutions for the real problems, I would like to do debunk some obvious myths that seem to permeate a significant part of the public debate on the issue, whether by experts or laypeople.
Myth 1) If Russia’s population continues to decline, Russia will cease to exist.
That’s patent non [...] |
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