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[2007-01-09] Continental Europe's leading online dating agency Meetic said on Monday it was close to concluding a friendly takeover of British peer, DatingDirect.
"This accord should be finalised in the course of January 2007, following the lifting of the last suspensive clauses," Meetic, which is based near Paris, said in a statement. Meetic founder and chairman Marc Simoncini said the takeover would allow the company to enter the U.K. market without the need for an expensive brand building campaign. "Thanks to this acquisition we will have conquered in less than five years the leading position on most of the international markets on which we operate," Simoncini said in a statement. The group, already present in 14 European countries and China a [...]
[2007-01-09] All families share love and hardship
Parliament may have made a final ruling on same-sex marriage with the vote last month not to reopen debate on this divisive topic. But it seems there are still court cases that will get those on both sides of the issue riled up. We hope, however, that equality always comes out the winner, something all Canadians are entitled to. Before the ink was dry on an Appeal Court judge's ruling last week allowing a child to have three legal parents -- his biological mother and father, and the mother's lesbian partner -- those arguing on both sides of the challenge were either condemning the decision or [...]
[2007-01-09] HotEnough dating site makes no apologies for promoting lust
Lust got some people in trouble last year. It brought down Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals. It ruined U.S. Rep. Mark Foley. It split up Christie Brinkley and her philandering husband. It was a blow to the union of Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock and may have been a factor in the breakup of Britney Spears and whatshisname. Those are only a few examples of lust's bad reputation. It's blamed for everything from cheating spouses to our growing interest in pornography to the overall decline of Western civilization. But lust — good, old-fashioned carnal curiosity — [...]
[2007-01-09] Questions Couples Should Ask (Or Wish They Had) Before Marrying
Relationship experts report that too many couples fail to ask each other critical questions before marrying. Here are a few key ones that couples should consider asking: 1) Have we discussed whether or not to have children, and if the answer is yes, who is going to be the primary care giver? 2) Do we have a clear idea of each other’s financial obligations and goals, and do our ideas about spending and saving mesh? 3) Have we discussed our expectations for how the household will be maintained, and are we in agreement on who will manage the chores? 4) Have we fully disclosed our health his [...]
[2007-01-09] A social psychologist ponders both the stigmatization of singles and the increasing adulation of the couple.
In her new book on single people - a topic that author Bella DePaulo confesses is both an intellectual passion and a subject near to her single heart - the social psychologist unpacks a series of assumptions about coupling, marriage, and single life. They're a widely held set of beliefs that taken together, she argues, have marginalized the single person. But it's an unexpected corollary to her primary point that's actually most fascinating. As much as societal adulation of the couple discriminates against single people, Singled Out suggests that it can also undermine marriage. This book [...]
[2007-01-09] In Russia, the New Year's holiday becomes a long winter's nap
New Year's has long been the favored holiday here, celebrated with Champagne and fireworks and gifts under the Christmas tree. Then there was Jan. 2, also traditionally a holiday. Now there is the 3rd and the 4th and the 5th. There was not, in fact, to be another official workday this year until Tuesday, a protracted holiday break that began eight days ago. It seems like a deep breath, a really deep breath, before plunging into 2007. Russia has more or less shut down, the government having ceased all but essential functions. The occasion last year prompted a senior official of the upper hous [...]
[2007-01-09] Holiday over as divorce lawyers expect busiest day of the year
More marriages will disintegrate this week than at any other time of the year, says a study that shows today as the busiest day of the year for divorce lawyers.Up to one in five couples will inquire about divorce after the pressure of Christmas pushes unsteady marriages beyond breaking point, researchers found.Millions more will contemplate separation but decide to continue for the sake of children or for financial reasons.advertisementAdultery, lack of sex, abuse and boredom were the main causes of divorce inquiries.But the enforced intimacy of Christmas coupled with the fresh start of a new [...]
[2007-01-09] Woman was wrongly labelled abuser
Norfolk County Council has apologised to the woman, who lives in Norfolk, and her parents, who fought a two-year battle to clear their daughter's name. The woman's unborn child was wrongly placed on a child protection register. Social workers were criticised for treating rumours about the woman, who had a mental health disorder, as fact. 'Insufficient evidence' The council said the inquiry into the case also found that some evidence had been destroyed. It called a social worker's report "inaccurate, unrepresentative and unbalanced". The woman's unborn baby was wrongly placed on a [...]
[2007-01-09] 'Don't marry illegals and expect kids to be legalised'
Prospective Malaysian bridegrooms here have been urged to refrain from getting hitched with illegal immigrants in order to prevent problems that might arise from such alliance. Elopura Assemblyman Au Kam Wah said even the national policy also discourages such nuptials. He said marrying an illegal immigrant is tantamount to harbouring and hence would be dealt with accordingly. According to him, several concerned parents had expressed their grievances to him after a statement he made pertaining to children with birth certificate marked "Daftar Orang Asing" (foreigners' registrar). Childr [...]
[2007-01-09] What goes around, comes around as Internet search yields to friends doing the matchmaking
FORGET the treacly TV testimonials and all the hype about online dating sites. No refined search engine or Dr. Phil endorsement can guarantee that a mug of Mr. or Ms. Right is waiting on the next Web page. Singles on the lookout for a partner are setting aside Internet searches and returning to perhaps the oldest coupling conduit known to humans: the matchmaker. Unlike the gossipy Yenta of "Fiddler on the Roof," today's matchmakers are often tech-savvy amateur cupids who run through a range of social circles. Homemaker Beth Wolff of Los Gatos keeps a list of eligible singles in her handhel [...]
[2007-01-09] 2007 year of Russian language
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree "On holding the year of the Russian language" in Russia and abroad, the Russian head of state's press service has said today. The decree accepts "the proposal of the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs on holding the year of the Russian language in 2007". The government of the Russian Federation has been "given two months to set up an organizational committee for holding the year of the Russian language, approve its members, approve a plan of main events for holding the year of the Russian language, including events in the areas [...]
[2007-01-09] Some 25 million Russians use Internet services - Reiman
Russian Information Technologies and Communication Minister Leonid Reiman said on Monday Russia accounted for 25 million Internet users in 2006. The total number of computers in Russia increased by 35 percent in 2006 as against last year to 23 million. Reiman pointed out that the volume of information transmitted via the Internet in Russia almost doubled. At present, 21,500 Russian schools are connected to the Internet. Reiman expressed the confidence that the connection of schools to Internet services is a good factor for the development of information and communication technologies and creat [...]
[2007-01-09] Over 25,000 crimes committed by newcomers in Moscow
Head of the Moscow police department Vladimir Pronin said at a meeting of the city government on Tuesday that over 25,000 of all crimes in the Russian capital are committed by newcomers. According to the official, the number of crimes with the use of firearms by non-residents has increased by one-third as compared with previous years, number of crimes committed under the influence of drugs by 22 percent, and by 10.5 percent - crimes linked with fraud, theft and robbery. “The share of criminals migrants that have no stable income source has reached 70 percent,” Pronin specified adding that “ill [...]
[2007-01-09] USF Offers Dating Course
Many singles say it's hard to find someone for a personal relationship and marriage, but that may get just a little easier for students at the University of Sioux Falls. Beginning next month, the college will offer a dating course that's good for one credit. The class is called "Finding Dates Worth Keeping." Laurie Chaplin -- who's been married 28 years and has three children, will be the instructor. Chaplin says today's young adults want lifelong relationships, and they're working harder and smarter to find mates. She'll teach students about such things as infatuation, which is defined as som [...]
[2007-01-08] Blind dates real eye-openers
The difference between blind dates in this millennium and in the last, is that a couple of years ago your date was usually screened by mutual friends. These days, the only recommendation you are likely to have is from what Buckboy had to say in the Internet chatroom. Or a random computerised selection by a dating agency.And the difference shows. The sad thing that emerges is that in 99 percent of cases, you leave at the end of the evening only more sure of what you are looking for and this wasn’t it. There are things that can quickly alert you to the fact that this is not the one for you. [...]
[2007-01-08] Matchmakers found limits to magic
With Christmas tunes playing on a portable radio in the background, the revolt began. Good Connections, a three-year-old dating and friendship service for people with social disabilities, was holding its first holiday party. Some 15 members dined on pizza in the fluorescent-lit basement of the Framingham Civic League, their eyes fastened on Good Connection founders Steve and Marcia Rothenberg . One man slowly raised his hand. "How come nothing's happening?" he asked. "It's been a year, and nothing. How come we're not at that dating point yet?" Several others at the table nodded in agreement [...]
[2007-01-08] 15 Dating Tips On Creating And Maintaining Love Connections
1. Visualize and "act as if" each person you meet really "gets you" - in other words, really understands you. 2. Make a decision to make each person you meet feel really comfortable. This will alleviate any nervousness you’re feeling. Think of yourself as a gracious, charming host/hostess wherever you are. 3. For the next 30 days concentrate on really liking the opposite sex - thinking of each one as a safe ally. 4. Become your own best cheerleader and your own best friend - this will aid you towards "flourishing" in a relationship, not "needing" a relationship. 5. Always speak well of [...]
[2007-01-08] Grab-a-granny is an 86-year-old widow, living in Sydney.
At a time most of us would expect to be nodding off in front of daytime TV, she's into internet dating, encouraged by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She jokes on her internet profile that she wouldn't mind a toy boy, or girl, to get the family scared about their inheritance. There are hundreds of similar ads appearing on Australian internet dating sites. Seniors are a new target group for this highly competitive industry, with the number of 50s using the popular RSVP site more than doubling in the past year. In part, it is because of a leap in late divorces. The ABS reports [...]
[2007-01-08] For Love or Money?
The 'love' story of 39-year-old American ex-Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith and entrepreneur J Howard Marshall, a man 63 years her senior, was heavily played out in the US media after Marshall's death and the ongoing lengthy legal battle over his estate. Smith married the oil billionaire in 1994 when she was 26 and he 89, and within weeks of his death a year later, she was battling with his son for half of his US$1.6-billion estate. Smith claimed that she loved the billonaire, took care of him, and that Marshall orally promised her half his estate if she married him. The case is ongoing in c [...]
[2007-01-08] Cyber Cheating
Lots of people use the Internet to obtain useful information, but increasingly people are turning to the web for companionship and it is destroying families and ruining real life relationships. The Internet can be a seductive place. "When you're online, you can really say anything you want." An instant connection can be made in a chat room or through IM's or E-mails. "I would speak to someone and maybe converse a little." It may start out innocent, but it's easy to get sucked in. And before you know it, a web of deceit is being spun. "You start going down a road and all [...]
[2007-01-08] A Pretend Web Romance, Then a Real-Life Murder
He told her he was a young marine, recently back from Iraq. She said she was an attractive 18-year-old woman eager to meet men, even if they were far from her West Virginia home. As with many relationships born on the Internet, neither was telling the truth. In reality, the man was Thomas Montgomery, a 47-year-old married father of two teenagers, who had spent the last 12 years working at a factory in this suburb of Buffalo. His cyber-lover from West Virginia was also in her 40’s, the police say, but had adopted her daughter’s identity, including the younger woman’s e-mail address and Web [...]
Forget the treacly TV testimonials and all the hype about online dating sites. No refined search engine or Dr. Phil endorsement can guarantee that a mug of Mr. or Ms. Right is waiting on the next Web page. Singles on the lookout for a partner are setting aside Internet searches and returning to perhaps the oldest coupling conduit known to humans: the matchmaker. Unlike the gossipy Yenta of ``Fiddler on the Roof,'' today's matchmakers are often tech-savvy amateur cupids who run through a range of social circles. Homemaker Beth Wolff of Los Gatos keeps a list of eligible singles in her handhel [...]
[2007-01-08] Big age gap in marriage calls for big plans
Whether it's about the younger woman marrying the older man or the younger man marrying the older woman, the financial planning issues in May-December relationships require much more detailed work. It's not a simple issue of playing the odds on longevity. If the couple has kids, the death of a spouse can be cataclysmic and, despite the probabilities, the older parent doesn't always die first. Even without kids, the effect of poor financial planning can be devastating to the surviving spouse. Marriage between contemporaries is tough, but a 20- to 30-year age difference can make it a whole new [...]
[2007-01-08] Men may soon lose age-old edge
Men may soon lose their legal edge over women when the Marital Infidelity Bill ripens into a law. About time, the women say. But is this all that needs to be changed in the context of protecting gender rights? How about hearing out the lament of the men-folk on the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act? Under the Revised Penal Code, particularly Article 333 which defines the crime of adultery, any married woman who shall have sexual intercourse with a man not her husband, even if it is only one isolated instance, shall be criminally prosecuted and penalized. The man who has sexu [...]
[2007-01-08] Popoular Russian baby names
Name Sex Meaning Pet name Adam male from Hebrew name Adam Aleksey (Lesha, Alesha, Alex) male defender Alyosha, Leshenka Alexander (Sasha, Shurik, Alex) male defender Sashenka, Shurik Alexandra (Sasha, Shura) female defender Sashenka, Shurochka Alina female from Latin alien Alinochka Alisa female Alisochka Alla female German name Allochka Anastasya (Nastya) female from Greek reviviscence Nastenka Anatoly (Tolya, Tolia, Tolik) male from Greek "West" Tolya, Tolenka Andrey male from Gree [...]
[2007-01-06] Prowling the local single scene
Occasionally, The Examiner releases our two stalwart singles, Joanie and Dan, on the world to see just whazzup in the hook-up trenches. Back from a recent safari in the dating wilds, our intrepid explorers report on Maryland Upscale Singles ... JOAN: Many of my matchmaking clients hire me to find them suitable matches because they quake in their boots and break out in a cold sweat when they consider going to a singles event. Enter Jamie Braman, founder of Maryland's Upscale Singles. She explains, "Maryland's Upscale Singles is a social club. There's no emphasis on dating and matching. It's a [...]
[2007-01-06] Your global meeting place!
A brand new website,, aims to put these people in touch with each other, provide a forum for them to discuss their projects, to talk about articles they have read and to showcase their work to a global audience.The site is the brainchild of Chris Leighton who, after completing her photography HND course in Norwich, England, wanted to rekindle the interaction she had been having with her fellow students. “I had appreciated being able to talk to other photographers about the work we had all been doing and the articles we had been reading,” she said. “I recalled an article I [...]
[2007-01-06] Now the time to try meeting someone new
So you're single, totally unattached, and you've decided it's time to meet someone new. Well, you should be happy to know this is the best time of the year to try. When I say "best time," I mean immediately -- this instant! This is not the time to procrastinate. Stop reading this column, log onto the Internet and register for an online dating service, or pick up the phone and call a match making service, or get dressed and force yourself to attend a single's dance or even a speed-dating event at a local pub. If you have ever considered trying one of these "proactive" measures, do it right [...]
[2007-01-06] The Burger King of Romance: Have it Your Way
The ball drops. It’s officially a new year. Everywhere you look, people are kissing and cheering. You hug friends, grab a few cheek pecks and suck down a couple of mighty swigs of your cocktail. Patronizing friends pat your back and whisper that it’s ok to be single on the Big Night and not to worry, because love is just around the corner. Instead of blackening their eyes, you smile and remind them that you rather enjoy the single life. Then the resolve sets in as you say under your breath—by gods, I will not be single again on New Year’s Eve. Enter Internet dating. Yes, you swore you’d [...]
[2007-01-06] Being single isn't easy work
I'm not diseased. I'm not cursed. I'm not even sad and miserable. I'm single. And no matter what anyone tells you (especially my mom with her desperate fixation on grandchildren), I do make an effort. I take this apparent defect very seriously.Boy troublesGranted, I started late - preferring to read and write stories in high school over actual living. But once in college, I quickly "found" a boyfriend, and he instantly conferred upon me the status of "good wife material." The facts that I neither actively sought him out nor wished to settle down forever with the first James Dean-wannabe I met, [...]
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