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[2005-02-28] Black PR: We don’t send any unauthorized e-mails!
Black PR: We don’t send any unauthorized e-mails! When unscrupulous businessmen exhaust fair methods of competitive activity, they resort to black PR (Public Relations) – scandalous, dishonest means. It seems some of our competitors felt weak: they couldn’t think of any more honest arguments, so they started provocations. This week we got to know that someone had started to send spam on our behalf. There is nothing more abominable than spam. I suffer from it myself and delete 200-500 junk e-mails every day! It is more than distressing that spam comes as though from our service. Don’t believ [...]
[2005-02-19] The 14th of February is left behind | From you to us 100 degrees!
The 14th of February is left behind || I want to tell you how this day went in our office. First of all, our office was like a flower house! It was such a pleasure to work surrounded with fresh flowers and to see women rejoicing at the sight of gifts! Some women came to our office and others asked to deliver to their place. They put on beautiful dresses, made up – they knew that we would photograph them, so they tried to look beautiful! It characterizes Russian women a lot. They always try to look 100%. The second thing that characterizes them – almost everyone invited me to the dinner ta [...]
[2005-02-12] One more couple have used their Chance For Love!
One more couple have used their Chance For Love! Hello Slava; I wanted to thank everyone with the Chance For Love staff for helping introduce me to the woman that I know I will spend the rest of my life with. Oksana and I met on this site in June of 2003. She was the first woman and the only woman I wrote to on this site. The things I noticed about her first were how beautiful she is and then how her profile read, and what really sold me on wanting to write to her is what she wrote in the Seeking Partner section of the bio. After I wrote my first letter to her, it only took her a few days [...]
[2005-02-05] New design | Everyone is thinking about Valentine’s Day!!!
New design We changed the design!!! Have you appreciated it yet? But it is not the only news. Do you remember in November we asked you a question about what you would like to see in our site? We took into consideration all your wishes and renewed the contents. Now we have more convenient form of ordering gifts, enlarged assortment, we added new sections, such as “Visa Support”, a lot of useful information, Help Center and … well, see yourself!!! || Everyone is thinking about Valentine’s Day!!! The beginning of February is the time when the air is highly infectious! [...]
[2005-01-29] Good beginning of the year
Good beginning of the year The year has just begun but been quick to bring us good tidings. We are happy for two couples from our agency who got a fiancee visa to America this month. One of the couples let us know about their joy, it is David and Ilsiyar, and another one hasn’t yet. However, we already know. How??? It is the most pleasant part of our job. Office. A new client comes. She asks many questions and suddenly says: “Why don’t you ask me how I know about your agency?”. I smile and accept the rules of the game: I ask: - Well, how? - My friend has just got a fiancee visa. She met [...]
[2004-12-30] Days off
Days offAs we wrote in the previous newsletters, New Year and Orthodox Christmas are days off in Russia. This year State Duma has passed a law according to which since 2005 all adults will have Christmas holidays from December 31 till January 10! Certainly, we can’t part with you for so long! :)))We will have a rest only on the following days: December 31, January 1,2 and also on January 7, 8 and 9. Note this and don’t worry if you don’t receive letters on these days. Thanks to all who sent us greetings for Christmas! They are very touching. Hopefully, this was the last Christmas you spent [...]
[2004-12-11] Christmas gifts!
Christmas gifts! Christmas gifts! Have you already chosen the gift you will make to your girl for Christmas or New Year??? Probably a huge bouquet of flowers? Cosmetics gift certificate? Perfume? A basket of chocolate or fruit? All these gifts are splendid! You can order them at our site, as usual. But! Our team consulted with Santa Claus and decided to make gifts for you! :)) If you order till December 25: - Perfume or cosmetics gift certificate, we will add 3 roses to your gift for free. - Any bouquet of flowers, we will add to it a bottle of Champagne for free! There is only [...]
[2004-11-23] Thanksgiving
Our best wishes to all who celebrate this holiday! It is a family holiday and we hope that next Thanksgiving you will meet with your only one – girl from Russia! || Wedding in New York Today the mother of our former client Kseniya telephoned to our office and let us know that last weekend Kseniya had married our client Bryan! We join all the greetings and wishes! May they be happy! Their story is very interesting. Kseniya obtained a student visa to America by the program “Work and Travel”. Bryan, she corresponded with at that time, didn’t believe it. He didn’t believe her Kseniya’s mot [...]
[2004-11-06] New web-camera | Free calls: 1-800-680-0832
New web-camera There are thousands and thousands of dating services in the Internet. Who but you knows it! :) But which of them are real? Which of them exist only in the Internet? Who has an office and working hours, personnel, computers and other “material evidence”? How can you make sure that women really come to the office, take letters and bring answers? We used to be asked such questions but not now! No need to ask when you can simply see. A year ago we placed a web-camera in our office that shows constantly updated snapshots on-line at the site Funny situations [...]
[2004-10-16] We are working on a new design!
We are working on a new design! Dear friends! Do you like our first page at You know this design was worked out for us by one of our clients, professional designer! We all got used to this “clothes” for our site, but sooner or later time for changes comes. Now we are working on a new design. You have a chance to take part in this work. Who but you, as our site must be made to your comfort! We prepared some questions. Your opinion is very important for us: 1. Are the announcements of the most popular girls necessary? 2. Do stories of happy marriages described at [...]
[2004-09-25] Belorussia joined us
Belorussia joined us Last week I introduced our new partner from Kherson (Ukraine) to you. Today Belorussia and its capital city – Minsk - appeared at the map of our net. Since now you can correspond and meet with ladies from this country and you will enjoy the same quality of service like in other offices of Chance For Love Dating Network. || Let me remind you that Belorussia is one of the 15 republics of the former USSA, which is an independent country now. However people still speak Russian there and Belorussian women has the same values as Russian and Ukrainian. || Have you seen t [...]
[2004-09-13] New page at the site | Our newsletter is now at Yahoo!
New page at the site Very soon a special page about Kazan will appear at our site We hope it will be of great use for those who are planning the trip to Kazan since the page covers such topics as hotels, banks, ITM, medical care, packing your suitcase and so on. Many men, who are going to come to Russia, also worry about etiquette’s difference and proper behaviour in various situations since they wish to produce the best impression on a lady. You won’t need to worry now! If you follow our tips on good manners collected at the page, you will never disgrace yourself! :) [...]
[2004-09-01] A fiancée visa to England? Nothing can be simpler! | The first day of school
A fiancée visa to England? Nothing can be simpler! Last week one of the most beautiful girls of our agency informed us that she had received a fiancée visa to England! Oksana and her chosen one John (what a lucky man!) started corresponding on November 6 last year. In the beginning of June they met and on August 25 they were given OK at the British Embassy! We whole-heartedly congratulate John and Oksana and wish them happy family life! Since this spring when the procedure of getting a fiancée visa to England was simplified, 5 couples have announced an engagement and got a [...]
[2004-08-21] We are having a holiday soon!
We are having a holiday soon! All the hotels are packed, the preparations for celebration started as early as last year, guests from all over the world are invited. August 30 is a big holiday in Kazan – Day of Republic! It used to be called the Day of Sovereignty, but lately, due to political propriety, it was renamed, since Tatarstan is not a separate state, but a part of Russia. Besides, it is situated in the very heart of it. :) Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. That’s why all the main celebrations will take place in our city. What does it mean the Day of Republic? It is an official [...]
[2004-08-14] Web camera: a new view! | For those who plan trip to Kazan
Web camera: a new view! The most attentive men have noticed already that our web camera moved and now you can see a better view of the office room. Appreciate: ! || For those who plan trip to Kazan Stifling heat is over! Now it is pretty cool for the summer in Kazan +10+15 degrees centigrade at night and in the day no more than +25. So pick up the right clothes. || [...]
[2004-07-17] The hottest news: one of our couples united in England! | If you want to come to Kazan
The hottest news We’ve just known that one of our couples united in England! Nuriya got her bride visa on Monday and Stuart is in wedding fuss already. The ceremony will take its place on 21st of August. Here is their history. Stuart wrote his first letter in May 2003. He came to Kazan in April 2004. The whole year he sent her his letters, called and sent presents for holidays. After the meeting Stuart began to prepare to their wedding. He engaged lawyers and they made a complete set of documents that was sent later to Kazan for Nuriya. Nuriya had to fill them out and to go to consul for a [...]
[2004-07-04] Two holidays in the USA
Two holidays in the USA We want to congratulate all Americans on Day of Independence! Freedom is an undoubted value and this day is certainly a great holiday! || One more holiday expects us next week. It is less big, of course. :) Yesterday I was called from Boston: a wedding of our clients will take place next week! Their story developed in a very interesting way. Half a year ago Guzel got a letter from Oleg – an American citizen who comes originally from Ukraine. Naturally, he speaks Russian well and it delighted Guzel greatly! Since they have no language barrier between them and the [...]
[2004-06-26] Visitors
Visitors Our ex-client, Elena, who got married with the help of our Agency two years ago, has come to Kazan. You can read their story at the page “References” – it is the story of Elena and Kevin. All this time they live happily in North Carolina. Kevin imparted us that up to now he gets a lot of letters from our clients where they ask him for recommendations and advice. Kevin is incredibly kind man and he replies all the letters! We are very grateful to him for this! Elena has come together with her daughter to see her relatives and [...]
[2004-06-19] We are in the morning radio show! | Useful information: list of Russian city codes
We are in the morning radio show! Who lives in South Carolina? Do you know about such a morning radio show Mad Max? What can you say about them? Last Saturday I had a telephone conversation with them. Then the presenter talked to one of our clients that happened to be in the office at that time. skin/blurb.php?sectionId129&contentId40327 It was fun! Now we are negotiating to make our cooperation regular. || Useful information: list of Russian city codes Detailed list of Russian city codes so calls could be dialed direct from the US to Russia [...]
[2004-06-12] Independence Day
Independence Day On June 12 Russian celebrates the Day of Declaration of State Sovereignty. This day must be an official day off. But since it is Saturday this year, the Russians will not go to work on Monday. But we, certainly, will work both on Saturday and Monday, so that our e-mail boxes didn’t explode from e-mails! :)) || [...]
[2004-05-22] Have you watched BBC 2? | Summer’s come! | Statistics
Have you watched BBC 2? Today 19 May I see in BBC 2 in television a documentation about your agency from Ray Heim from USA and Natalya Kuklina and her daughter. Ray has a good time with Christmas 2003. I was a wonderful documentation. Thank you CHANGE FOR LOVE || Hi Slava, I watched with anticipation BBC2 this evening as I wanted to see more about your agency and get a feel for all of you wonderful people in a real sense but was very disappointed that your agency barely got a mention, and I do believe that the BBC did not really do the concept of dating Russian ladies the service that i [...]
[2004-05-15] Switch on your TV sets! | Babies! | And one more thing about kids
Switch on your TV sets! Attention, the long-awaited day and hour is close at hand! Today on the 19th May at 10pm in the UK on BBC2 you can watch the film about our agency!!! There you will see the interview with our managers Zhanna and Sabina, see our office, Russian women wishing to find their special man. And the highlight is the story of Ray and Natalie: how they got acquainted, corresponded and married. The shooting was made in New York and Kazan. BBC picked our agency out of 40 Russian dating services! You can read here in more details about how it [...]
[2004-05-10] A baby was born!!! | Wedding: Patrick and Lilya | Visitors | Weather: warmth has come to us
A baby was born!!! We have a great joy at our agency – our couple has a baby! Here is the letter we received today: || Hello Slava and Zhanna! How are you? I hope all is well in Kazan. On March 20th we had a little baby boy!!! His name is Ignatiy :) At birth, he weighed 3Kg. He has grown in such a short time. || We miss Kazan and Moscow and plan to visit with Ignatiy, of course, sometime in August or September. Well, Take care, Saburo, Masha and Ignatiy :) || Congratulations!!! We are very glad for you! Unfortunately, it is a rare occurrence. Usually our couples don’t dare to [...]
[2004-04-24] Lenin | Days off: our Great Victory over the Fascist Germany
Lenin Do you know the name of the man who turned the trend of Russian history? 87 years ago he stirred up working people against the tsar power and since that time Russia started building “communism”. His name is Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin is his party nickname). This year he would be 134 years old. All those years the portraits of this man decorated all the public institutions. He was on the medals, elevations of buildings and squares. In every town there is a street or a square named after him. His body is still kept in the mausoleum on the Red Square in Moscow. Every Soviet child knew his b [...]
[2004-04-17] BBC: The film about us
BBC: The film about us This week we received the letter from BBC, in which they inform us when at last it will be possible to watch the film they have made about us and our couple. So, everyone, who has the channel BBC2, can watch it on May 19 at 10 pm (London time). Let me remind you that the film includes the interviews with our managers and clients. You can see our office, how women come there, how they receive letters and write answers. What they think about foreign men and about their life. And certainly you will be able to be in absentia at the wedding of our clients Natasha and Ray [...]
[2004-04-10] Our network continues developing | Spring marriages
Our network continues developing Chance For Love Dating Network continues developing. We have affiliated two more agencies from Ukraine. They present the towns of Vinnitsa and Donetsk. Like all our partners, these dating services work with girls according to our rules and it means that they know their clients in person, check up their profile information by passport and can warrant that their women have serious intentions. And it means that the number of beautiful girls at the site increased! Did you see our album long time ago? :) || Spring marriages Next week one couple is going to [...]
[2004-03-05] April wedding
April wedding Hi Slava and gang, I just wanted to inform you that Natalia Y. is FINALLY approved for her visa. We are planning on her traveling to the USA as soon as possible. We are hoping for an end of April wedding. Later, Dave || Great news, Dave! We are very glad for you and Natalia! || I would like to add that their story has lasted for more than three years but they were persistent and achieved their goal! Let it be a good example for all of us :-) || [...]
[2004-02-28] Weddings | And also some new couples, ready to share their lives, have appeared during February. | New partners
Weddings Two couples got married: Natalia and Wilson; Natalia and Ray. Natalia and Ray had their wedding just last week and the ceremony was taken by BBC. Their wedding has become the logical completion of the film about our agency and our couples. BBC is going to broadcast it in April. And also some new couples, ready to share their lives, have appeared during February. Dear Slava, I want to let you know that you have scored one more success with your web site. I met Svetlana in September, 2002 and, at last, on Monday she will have her interview in Moscow. If all goes well I expect her [...]
[2004-02-26] Changing of rates
Changing of rates We are working at improving our system and money policy to make it convenient for all. That’s why we have changed a little the system of Membership. I believe we have invented a nice alternative! || So, you can place you profile free of charge and wait for letters. If you are more energetic man and don’t like to wait, then we suggest you to write an unlimited number of First Introduction Letters. To do it, you shall use Trial Membership (just for $5). || Trial Membership is an opportunity to write one letter to an unlimited number of women and to get their answers. S [...]
[2004-01-24] Gold Star
Gold Star Last week we got a letter from one of our clients who wrote the following: «Hi, Well I have checked out your agency as much as I can given the distance between us. I have exchanged e-mails with the U.S. embassy in Moscow and they gave you a gold star. Doug». || This message roused our interest and we asked for details :). It appeared that this man was married once but unhappily. And as he doesn’t want to suffer again he decided to check out the agency before applying to it. His childhood girlfriend, who is working in the US Embassy in Moscow, helped him with it. I will not conc [...]
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