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Russian phrasebook: Delicate words useful when you invite somebody to visit you and suggestion to your lady to do something

nastasia Àíàñòàñèÿ, Íàñòÿ, Íàñòåíüêà, Íàñòþøà, Íàñò¸íà, Íàñòàñüÿ AnastasIa, NAstya, NAsten'ka, NastyUsha, NastyOna, NastAsya
Daria Äàðüÿ, Äàøà, Äàøåíüêà, Äàøå÷êà,Äàøóíÿ DAria, DAsha, DAshen'ka, DAshechka, DashUnya
Eugenia Åâãåíèÿ, Æåíÿ, Æåíüêà, Æåíå÷êà EvgEnia, ZhEnya, ZhEn'ka, ZhEnechka
Irina Èðèíà, Èðà, Èðèíêà, Èðèíî÷êà, Èðèøêà, Èðèí÷èê, Èðóí÷èê IrIna, Ira, IrInka, IrInochka, IrIsha, Irishka, IrInchik, IrUnchik
Julia Þëèÿ, Þëÿ, Þëåíüêà, Þëüêà, Þëü÷èê YUlia, YUlya, YUlen'ka, YUl'ka, YUl'chik
Ekaterina Åêàòåðèíà, Êàòÿ, Êàòþøà, Êàòåíüêà, Êàòåðèíà, Êàòþøêà EkaterIna, KAtya, KatyUsha, KAten'ka, KaterIna, KatyUshka
Lena Åëåíà, Ëåíà, Ëåíî÷êà, Ëåíîê, Åëåíóøêà YelEna, LEna, LEnochka, LenOk, LEnchik, YelEnushka
Ludmila Ëþäìèëà, Ëþäà, Ëþñÿ, Ëþäî÷êà, Ìèëà, Ìèëî÷êà LyudmIla, LyUda, LyUsya, LyUdochka, MIla, MIlochka
Maria Ìàðèÿ, Ìàøà, Ìàøåíüêà, Ìàøóøà, Ìàøóíÿ MarIa, MAsha, MAshen'ka, MashUsha, MashUnya
Natalia Íàòàøà, Íàòàøåíüêà, Íàòàøå÷êà, Íàòà, Íàòóñåíüêà, Íàòóñèê NatAsha, NatAshen'ka, Natshechka, NAta, NatUsen'ka, NatUsik
Oksana Îêñàíà, Îêñàíî÷êà, Êñþøà, Êñþøåíüêà, Êñàíà Oksana, OksAnochka, KsyUsha, KsyUshenka, KsAna
Olga Îëüãà, Îëÿ, Îëåíüêà, Îëþøêà Olga, Olya, Olen'ka, Olyushka
Sophia Ñîôüÿ, Ñîíÿ, Ñîíå÷êà, Ñîôî÷êà, Ñîôè SOphia, SOnya, SOnechka, SOphochka, SophIe
Svetlana Ñâåòëàíà, Ñâåòà, Ñâåòî÷êà, Ñâåòëàíêà, Ñâåòèê SvetlAna, SvEta, SvEtochka, SvetlAnka, SvEtik
Tanya Òàòüÿíà, Òàíÿ, Òàíå÷êà, Òàíþøåíüêà, Òàíþøêà, Òàíþñüêà TatyAna, TAnya, TAnechka, TanYUchen'ka, TanyUsha, TanyUshka, TanyUs'ka
Vera Âåðà, Âåðî÷êà, Âåðóíÿ,Âåðîê VEra, VErochka, VerOk
Inna Èííà, Èííî÷êà, Èííóëÿ, Èííóëåíüêà, Èíóñÿ, Èíîê, Èíåññà Inna, Innochka, InnoUl'ya, InnoUlen'ka, InUsya, InOk
Marina Ìàðèíà, Ìàðèøà, Ìàðèíî÷êà, Ìàðèøêà Marina, Marisha, Marinochka, Marishka
Nadezhda Íàäåæäà, Íàäÿ, Íàäåíüêà, Íàäþøà, Íàäþøêà Nadezhda, Nadia, NAden'ka, NadyUsha, NadyUshka
Galina Ãàëèíà, Ãàëî÷êà, Ãàë÷îíîê, Ãàëåíüêà, Ãàëþøêà GalIna, GAlochka, GalchOnok, GAlen'ka, GalyUshka
Anna Àííà, Àíÿ, Àíþòà, Àíå÷êà, Àííóøêà Anna, Anya, AnyUta, Anechka, Annushka
Alexandra Àëåêñàíäðà, Ñàøà, Ñàøåíüêà, Ñàøêà, Øóðà, Øóðî÷êà Alexandra, Sasha, Sashen'ka, Sashka, ShUra, ShUrochka
Polina Ïîëèíà, Ïîëÿ, Ïîëèíêà PolIna, POlya, PolInka
Larisa Ëàðèñà, Ëàðà, Ëàðî÷êà Larisa, LAra, LArochka
Lyubov Ëþáîâü, Ëþáà, Ëþáîíüêà, Ëþáàøà, Ëþáî÷êà Lyubov, LyUba, LyUbon'ka, LyubAsha, LyUbochka
Alyona Àë¸íà, Àë¸íóøêà, Àë¸íêà, Àëÿ AlyOna, AlyOnushka, AlyOnka, Alya
Diana Äèàíà, Äèàíóøêà, Äèàíî÷êà, Äèíà DiAna, DiAnochka, DiAnushka, DIna
Valeria Âàëåðèÿ, Ëåðà, Ëåð÷èê, Ëåðóí÷èê, Ëåðóñÿ, Ëåðîê, Ëåðóíÿ ValEria, LEra, lErchik, LerUnchik, LerUsia, LerOk, LerUnia
Valentina Âàëåíòèíà, Âàëÿ, Âàëþøà, Âàëþøêà, Âàëåíüêà, Âàëå÷êà ValentIna, VAlya, ValyUsha, ValyUshka, VAlen'ka, VAlechka,
Elvira Ýëüâèðà, Ýëÿ ElvIra, Elya
Eleonora Ýëåîíîðà, Ýëÿ EleonOra, Elya
Alla Àëëà, Àëÿ, Àëëî÷êà, Àëëóøêà Alla, Alya, Allochka, Allushka

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      SCANNED April 18, 2024

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Last Wednesday over 40 students went to hear Doron Kornbluth about the importance of dating Jewish or slightly anyone from your own faith.Grab-a-granny is an 86-year-old widow, living in Sydney.Radio One now finds listeners a 'Valentine'
Last Wednesday over 40 students went to hear Doron Kornbluth, author of Why Marry Jewish, give a slightly altered talk about the importance of dating Jewish or slightly anyone from your own faith. He started off his talk by saying that these were his ideas, and it was not a judgment on anyone and their background. He also clarified the fact that interrdating or intermarriage refers only to a relationship where one of the partners did not convert religions.His messages were all intertwined and qu...At a time most of us would expect to be nodding off in front of daytime TV, she's into internet dating, encouraged by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She jokes on her internet profile that she wouldn't mind a toy boy, or girl, to get the family scared about their inheritance. There are hundreds of similar ads appearing on Australian internet dating sites. Seniors are a new target group for this highly competitive industry, with the number of 50s using the popular RSVP site more ...Put on your best perfume, think of interesting opening lines and leave the rest to Radio One FM 94.3. Mentos presents Radio One Speed Dating, a totally fun event where single, interesting and eligible guys and girls get together for a fun evening. Speed Dating is an exciting concept and is based on the psychological evidence that most people make up their mind of whether they like someone in the first 60 seconds of interacting with them. Perfetti India and Radio One have signed up a deal to ...
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