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Why Feminism isn’t popular in Russia?

Not long ago we discussed this subject and then I came across the letter of a Russian girl in the Internet. Take your time to read it! It is very arguable, but it shows well the state of public opinion in today’s Russia. Sometimes I see an opinion in the Internet that strong family traditions of Russian women is a myth made up by dating services. But such letters as this one – emotional and honest – prove the opposite. The letter was written by the girl named Anna. She is a feminist, or want to become such. She reflects on the future of feminism in Russia. Anna says:

Even well-educated, intelligent and tolerant people in Russia react somehow nervously and embarrassedly if to begin a talk about feminism with them. And the word “male feminist” perplexes and bewilders. Russians are deeply convinced that a man can’t be a feminist like a bulldog can’t be a cat.

The arguments like “one doesn’t have to be a black man to believe in equality of races”, put a grin on their faces. And the grin says: “oh, yes, we know these fighters for interests of other people”. In opinion of most Russians, both men and women, only a woman can be a feminist and she can be such due to three main reasons:
The first one is that she has no husband due to her ugliness, bad character or bad luck of some other sorts.
The second reason is laziness that makes a woman seek excuses to her unwillingness to carry our “genuinely female” family duties, i.e. wash, cook, clean the house, go shopping and raise children.
It is supposed that a “normal” woman carries our these functions just due to her physiological organization, as well as she gives birth to children and feeds them with her breast. It is very typical that there is no similar list of “genuinely male” duties. Repair taps? It is a plumber’s job. Cutting a lawn? Those two percents of Russians that have lawns now, also have a gardener to look after it.
The third reason due to which a woman can become a feminist is preference to sexual partners of her sex. Many people in Russia still confuse feminists and lesbians.

… In contrast to Europe and America, women in Russia don’t fight for their rights to work and earn money equally with men. They fight for their right to spend the money that their husbands earn.

During the last 20 years Russia is experiencing the patriarchal renaissance, some sort of nostalgia about “traditional” distribution of family roles. He works, earns money and provides for a family. She raises children and keep the house. If the circumstances allow, for instance children are quite grown-up and don't need so much care, the wife can go to work. But her salary, of course, will be lower than her husband’s. Patriarchal idyll.

- You spend too much!
- No, you earn too little!

That’s the distillation of the family conflict. That’s what makes a man impotent and makes a bitch out of a woman? Nobody tries to abandon their roles, they get tightly stuck. If a woman earns much money, she can’t feel full-fledged until she finds a husband who earns more than she does. The man, whose wife won him in the career race, starts to drink, waste money in casino or find a quiet modest lover and they laugh gaily together at the stupid wife. Why a successful woman becomes “male- like”, sexually unattractive, frightening and repulsive? Why does she turn at once into “a feminist” – a worse swear word than “whore” or “bitch“?

… The heyday of ideology of “female predestination” and patriarchal family was in the western countries in the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, when due to the rapid industrial growth there was a great demand of employees occupied with hard physical labor. Men rushed to the cities to earn money and women remained at home with their children, trying hard to be “the keepers of the hearth”. Everything was all right until a lot of men perished during the World War I.

In Russia with its eternal economical problems most women could never afford this luxury – stay at home and not work.

The patriarchal family where the husband is a provider and the woman is a housewife is economically weaker than the family where both spouses work, and so it is doomed to death. Actually, the real flourishing of feminism in the West took place in the beginning of the 1980-ies, the period of deep economical crisis, when it appeared that the man couldn’t provide for a family alone, to pay for a house, a car and heaps of household machines, bought on credit, and also pay for the education of children.

Then it appeared that the woman could do the same things that he did: speak at the court, sit at the parliament, operate on cancerous growths and shoot films.

Sooner or later feminism will win, since the equality of men and women is much more profitable for all, than dependence of one sex on the other. And the expression “the stronger sex” will be as indecent as the expression “higher race”. Both men and women will have to put up with it.

Hard unqualified labor that requires healthy and strong men doesn’t determine economical prosperity any longer. Computer programs are created by paralyzed people, music is composed by blind people, laws are passed by pregnant women and budget is approved by nursing mothers. The only problem is to stop considering “the nursing” president of the country as a monster. Roosevelt isn’t considered to be a moster, though his physical drawbacks were much more serious.

October 13, 2005

Your comments:

#1 Dr. Mohamed (Turkey) at 2006-05-08
Very interesting discussion you have started here. Man's and woman's qualities are determined by their physique, chemistry on one hand, and on the other, by their social cultures, religions and hopefully also by their individuality. All these result in the behaviour and the ethical formation of man and woman. Complex indeed.
Religions and sciences and arts and own thinking show us the way.
Russian girls and women, not unlike any other nations' girls and women, come in all kinds.
As for me, honesty, beauty, dependability, ability to cooperate with her man, ability to take care of children and family, kindness and modesty and staying away from excessive materialism, sense of humor and ability to love stand out as the most important qualities of a woman- no matter where. I have been cheated by a Russian girl once. This doesn't mean all Russian girls are the same. I have met a few materialistic American girls or Turkish girls. This doesn't mean all Americans or Turks are the same. I have met a few cold and egotistic Swedish or German girls. This doesn't mean all Swedish and German girls are the same. I met a few very considerate Japanese and Chinese girls.
This doesn't mean they are all considerate.
Now I am single. Although I really find the Russian girls pretty, for some reason or another (and I may be wrong) maybe I shall search for a
Japanese or Chinese girl for their devotion to man, family and children. Language is also a very important issue. If two have the same language- that is very important.
As for feminism - what is it ? A fashion? A lie?
People have lived for ages happily without it.
Author's answer: My only perspective is that feminism rooted on the culture and history of country basically. Putting it more precisely feminism isn't popular in Russia because Russian women grew up on our classical
literature as Turgenev's novels, Dostoevskii and so on, movies that aimed to eternal human value a lot. The theme of love runs all through everywhere. Our literature, history and media are not so
aggressive as in the West, in my opinion. For instance, what are the American classics? In my opinion, examples are: "the American Tragedy" by Theodor Dreiser, " Gone with the wind" by Mitchell,
of course the latter was not seen as classical work by critics, but the image of O'Hara went to walk across America as an icon. These novels show us how people survived primarily and then loved.
Probably these aspects influenced your women ever. And as it known we all are the products of our emotions and environment. And may be your media, movies are more aggressive than ours and may be you
are a little more ambitious than ours. But I repeat that it's my point of view only.
#2 Niels Bang (Denmark) at 2005-11-30
What do I think about Anna's letter? You ask. I'll tell you my opinion.
Anna's thoughts and opinions, is the thoughts and opinions of the dream woman for me - she shows self-confidence and self-esteem, but at the same time frustration her sex isn't accepted as equal with men's position and privileged in society. Such woman is worth giving great attention.
If you have a "Anna" in the age 40 to 50 y.o. I would be very happy to learn her to know - but unfortunately "Your Anna" is a representative of the young 20 to 30 y.o. generation.

My search age is 40 to 50 y.o. ladies, and it's very seldom to meet women with Anna's attitude in this age group.

Main part FSU women in age from 35 y.o. see the ideal of a family, where the husband is the bread winner, the provider, the head of family, the King - such women do not feel themselves equal with men, or they just don't want to share responsibility and obligations with the husband, but rather stand at the side line, waiting for him to take care of everything.

Such women only have little opportunity to find decent and worthy husband in western Europe, because the west European society throughout almost 50 year have taught the population to see the women as equal, in family relations, in enterprise relations and in political relations.
If such "Old fashion woman" relocate to western society, she might be very attractive for a man at the beginning - she cares so much for him as he never experienced any woman did before, and he feels very comfortable.

But when honeymoon has finished, and everyday life shows it's face, the two will face serious problems, because they have opposite expectations to everyday life.

Anna is a very well-informed east lady, and I'll bet she have a high education behind, which give her this knowledge.
Western society is build on the fact, that both husband and wife have full time job to provide the family with all the more or less needed necessities, families in west expect is a part of daily life. But to achieve it, 2 income is needed.

Unfortunately, I have experienced, that a majority of FSU women believe, life in west is very easy, families live in big houses, they have housemaid, the wife is at home, going to beauty salon or preparing herself to look pretty and attractive, to care for husband when he come home from work, they go holiday abroad 2 or 3 times a year, and they change their car every third year to a new model.

Slava, tell FSU women, that only 5% of population in west can afford such living - 95% works hard and save on everyday expenses, to be able to luxury vacation 1 or 2 times a year, and another used car every 3 year.
Best regards
Niels Bang
Author's answer: Dear Niels,
Your letter is a letter of a very observant and thoughtful man. It was interesting for me to read it. I absolutely agree with you in many things. Really, many Russian women tend to dream about “dolce vita”, they dream that their life will change like in a fairy tale. But I can say that Russian people have strong character. If you read Russian literature you will notice that writers and poets are never tired of admiring Russian women. In the hardest years women always took a load beyond their strength upon themselves. During the Second World War, when all men went to the war, women went to work at plants and produced tanks and weapons!! Certainly these are extreme examples. But I want to say that capitalism can’t scare our women. It is inherent in human beings to hope for a better life, moreover when they have lived a half of life already! Besides for women over 40 it is more difficult to adjust and to learn again. So it is more difficult for them to find a job and become equal financial partners. Honestly speaking, it is practically impossible at any age. One has to grow up and get education in your country to be able to be financially equal. And it is difficult for a woman who is an immigrant with poor English and unrecognized education, isn’t it? So a man must be prepared to the fact that he will provide for his Russian wife from the very beginning. I know some married couples that met at our agency where women work, but it is rather like a hobby and an opportunity to broaden the circle of communication. They don’t make much profit.
#3 Bob Horn (Euclind, Oh, USA) at 2005-11-30
I hope this will be posted as a response to Anna's brilliant and insightful letter regarding the current status of Russian women.
Anna is most correct on all her points. Which only leads me to wonder just HOW(!!) far Russian women seeking good husbands are willing to go to find them?
Anna notes that male chauvinism is currently as discredited as racism, notwithstanding the fact that BOTH(!!) beliefs were once held with an intensity normally reserved for religion!

As an American of African descent, with a tan complexion, who has long had a fascination for the women of Eastern Europe, but is also more than aware of the xenophobia, especially to non-whites, that has historically been intrinsic to that region, not to mention the same, shown in no small degree, by those of Eastern or Central European descent already living in the U.S., making their neighbourhoods absolute redoubts of anti-black sentiment, one has to wonder just what possible chances of success someone who is not ethnically similar to the women involved has in your group?
Candour much appreciated.
My last wife, who was Czech, incidentally, had no problem speaking her mind to me at all.
Author's answer: Dear Bob,

Thanks for your letter. I wrote to Barry just about the attitude of Russian people to people with a different color of skin and living on distant continents.

As to your question about how far a Russian woman is willing to go, it is easy to reply. We have a couple that are in the process of getting a fiancée visa to Australia now, innumerable amount of couples live in America already, Russian women willingly marry men from Europe, few went to the South Africa and hardly anyone to East and Far East (including China and Japan). Now I speak only about our agency and only about our 10-years experience.

All questions concerning skin color are more complicated. As I said in my reply to Barry’s question, in Russia African people began to appear just in 60-s and they are still exotic. Russian people are friendly to people of other races and nationalities. But not every lady can imagine her life in such exotic country and most importantly surrounded by the people of a race different from hers. But still it’s not right to say that Russian ladies are not interested in men with dark skin, though in our agency there hasn’t been any marriages of this kind for 10 years.
Bob, you said that “Candour much appreciated”, so I hope you will get me right. My opinion is that each man has a chance, regardless of the colour of his skin.
#4 Jim () at 2005-11-30
Equal rights not American feminism. Structure is a good thing.

Dear Slava, read your feminism in Russia piece. Let's hope that a nation of chess players can get it right. Let's hold no illusions, Americans don't even know what it is. It's like calling China an economic powerhouse thanks to American capitalism. American capitalism and Chinese capitalism are completely different systems. So if and when China lands on mars first I for one am not going to pat myself on the back and wonder where would they be without American influence? On the damn surface of mars, just where the hell they are! Slava, do know the similarities between a B52 bomber that flew in the great patriotic war and the one I' ll see overhead tomorrow? THERE ARE NONE. They share the same name.

My point is this, yes there will be feminism in Russia, but it may not even come close the American social engineering mess. The statistics and casualties are staggering. It's like the Iraqi war. All I'm ever going to hear is what the popular culture tells me and that's from only the American perspective. The same people who will pat themselves on the back thinking America had something to do with China's hypothetical aforementioned success in space. Are we equal? At some things we are dear Slava. At others we're kilometres apart. And that's why you'd like me. I'm not your girlfriend.

We are a very transparent, go along to get along, if it feels good and it's popular do it nation. We're an hard working adolescent nation and it shows all over. Have prudence and logic with feminism. Junk the American model, it's anti logic. Show us how it's done.
Author's answer: Dear Jim,
Your words “Show us how it's done” sound very American-like, and even Hollywood-like! :)) (joke)
And if seriously, I agree with both Anna and you that Russia will have its own way. And many years must pass, even decades, before we will be able to draw conclusions. There is only one definite thing: today Russia has neither American nor Russian feminism.
#5 Ray Vaussine (United States of America) at 2005-11-30

I may not hold the same beliefs as many of my fellow Americans. Feminism in America is unique within itself. I was born and grew up in the Southern part of the United States. We still have, in many places, old fashioned ideals and values. Many people call this a Southern culture. With this background, I feel that the feminism movement and equality for women was brought about by the men in America.

Men were more interested in their own lives and hobbies than trying to do things that kept their wives involved and interested. Because of us males going out on the weekends to play golf, go hunting or fishing, or Tuesday night bowling, while the wife sat at home tending the children and cooking supper for our return home, the women felt like that was all they were there for. They wanted substance in their lives as well and wanted to be part of the bread winning to help support the family. They wanted to be recognized for their efforts. Many were never recognized and this caused problems in the marriage.

A relationship is what you make of it. It does not matter where you are from or where the lady is from. Treat each other with respect and as an equal. Don't treat her as someone who is there to wash clothes, keep the house clean and cook meals. Get her involved in you’re live and do things that interest her. If you put 10% into a relationship, you will get 10% out of it. The relationship will never grow. Put 100% into a relationship and treat the lady as you would want to be treated, and the relationship will grow and flourish. Slava, as I said, this is my opinion and not the opinion of the majority of other men in America. I will probably be disagreed with very strongly.
Author's answer: Dear Ray!

It is a very accurate observation. But in Russia everything was different. While American women stayed at home and didn't know how to realize themselves (that's what you describe), Russian women always worked hard to provide for a family. So it is difficult to implant artificially such movements as feminism in Russia. It is impossible to make all women catch some idea and bring it to absurdity if they haven't gained it through suffering for years, or better decades. Nevertheless, women of the whole world are grateful to feminists for some achievements and especially loved ideas will surely sprout in the Russian mentality.

It is just Russian women will have their own way.

Besides, I absolutely agree with your opinion that everyone gets the relations that he deserves! Golden words, Ray!
#6 Ray (Ireland) at 2005-11-16
Having read Anna’s article, and the letters that were published in the follow up newsletter, I have to ask the question, "how did everything get so mixed up"? Many of the published letters did not actually respond to Anna’s article, but somehow seem to have branched off into «age differences», and many other aspects of marriage between Eastern ladies and Western men, and forgot all about «feminism» which was the actual topic upon which Anna wrote. ! Maybe I am alone in my views? But I have to disagree with quite a lot of the things that Anna wrote about. Was she actually writing about «feminism» or «women’s liberation»? These are as far apart as the South Pole is from the North Pole! If, as she suggests, «Feminism will eventually win» then I am delighted, but is she actually talking about true «feminism» or «women’s liberation»?? This reply could be monstrously long, so I will have to try to cut it down into a manageable size, but such a topic actually deserves pages of a reply to do it justice! The «disappearance», not propagation, of feminism in the West it to be deplored, not acclaimed! The loss of Feminism in the West has to be attributed to the terrible rise in Women’s liberation. The orinators of Women’s liberation (WL) could never have dreamed of the eventual effects that their campaign would inflict upon mankind? Equality, and the acceptance of women on an equal basis, is far removed from what has actually happened in the West! In fact it all went so horribly wrong that there is now a strong case for the establishment of a new «campaign» i.e.; «Men’s liberation»!! The desecration of «Feminism» is to be deplored, as «F» was always the greatest charm of a woman and surely a woman was «born» to be feminine in every sense of the word? The «anti» feminist brigade (or Pro WL brigade) in their Jeans, and Trousers, and sloppy dressing, and their «male» like attitudes, and the disappearance of the «demure» look, and the «fluttering eyebrows» is to be completely deplored! Does nobody remember Princess Diana, the true deployer and user of real and wonderful «F»? Her tragic death was a terrible blow to real «F». There was nothing wrong with the original concept of (WL), in fact it was to be applauded, but it has now far exceeded the original aims and aspirations of the originators of the campaign, and is remorselessly headed towards a society of «spineless males» too afraid to take up the fight for «male equality» which is now becoming a really urgent need. ! So, to revert back to Anna»s article, was it meant to be about true «F» or about (WL)? Maybe it was a little of each, but in this case it would be wrong, as although the two are naturally linked, one has to be very specific in what they are talking about otherwise confusion will reign. ? True «Feminism» must be restored, and the «shackles» must be put upon the (WL) campaign or we face a society of unequal equals. !! With regard to the question of «F» in ladies in Easter Europe, surely we should be applauding their continuance, and their beliefs in Feminism? Surely this is one of the truly great attractions of these ladies? Their obvious distaste for (WL) is also to be applauded and encouraged. ! May the day arrive in the foreseeable future, where these wonderful women will propagate the Western world in such great numbers, that they themselves might turn out to be Western Man»s salvation from (WL)?? If I personally had the ability, and the finance, I would bring them to the West in their millions. :) A few drops of Eastern European Women»s Feminism might just spread an infection in the West that would be unstoppable. :) With regard to the replies posted in your newsletter, which appear to have gone a little astray, I feel that perhaps I should not comment upon this any further, in this letter, but reserve it for another time? Some of the comments were particularly appropriate to me, as I am a much older man, who has fallen for a much younger girl, but I think perhaps a completely separate topic should be generated in order to discuss this matter of age differences? Yours sincerely, and with congratulations on an excellent site and organization...
Author's answer: Hello Ray!

First of all I want to pay a compliment to you: so wonderful letter that urges to think about many things!

Ray, I think that American women will be against mass invasion of Eastern women :). Recently one of them wrote us a letter where she demanded from us to stop our work, because Russian women spoil American men! :)

By the way, I absolutely agree that it is high time American men started the movement for Men’s liberation. However, America brings any good idea to extremes, as it is the case with political correctness or feminism. It might finally result in organizing a liberation movement against liberation movements, don’t you think so, Ray? :)

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