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Since you already have a setup for articles and people who have questions about how the service works, I would add a new article. Something similar to "What is a 'mail order bride'". Then go into an explanation of what the difference is between your service and a typical "Click and order a person" like they are coming over through Fed Ex in a big wooden crate ;)

As you know, the term mail order is very demeaning and degrading to some of these women, and I am certain they don't want to be looked at in this fashion. I would make it understood that this isn't a "Please enter your credit card information, and we'll ship her right over to you!" service.

Think of is like this. For someone like me, I like to read EVERYTHING on a site when I'm interested. I've read every single article you've published, every success story, etc. But how many people are going to take that time. They are simply going to go "Oh! A mail order bride service!" and go straight to the gallery and go "I want that one!" and just assume that all the sudden here she comes. I say this because, at least where I am from, people think if you say "Russian" in the terms of "looking for a woman" it's assumed it's a "mail-order" bride scenario.

Sorry to make this so long, but I just think maybe it would ease not only the women on your site from looking like someone is simply going to just 'buy' them, and the men who are looking at these people thinking that they are just going to buy their "true love". Because, as we all know, it simply doesn't work that way!

Hope I was able to clarify some of this! And thanks for the reply!

- Chris

Dear Chris,

Thank you for this valuable observation. You are absolutely right! Just ‘cause you read much and sincerely interested in this subject, you managed to notice the difference between the settled term and the real situation. Today’s article covers this subject!

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