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How to use the dating service in the most effective way: what the doctor ordered!

Are you intrigued by the title? Yes, really today I will open your some secrets that will help you strategically. All people are different, there are no universal recommendations that could help all, but! The dating service is only a device and as any device it has a manual how to use it effectively.  

I tried to look at the dating service not as its owner, but as a client in order to be impartial. And I must admit that some tips won’t be in my favor (and you will understand why).  But it is just the way I would act if I were the one who seeks a Russian wife. Are you dying of curiosity already?:))

7 ways to choose the right membership.

1. First of all, before trusting in the agency I would carefully examine their site. It is important for me to know either it is a virtual agency or real? Do they have a real office with address, telephone, can I solve some questions over phone? Do they know their women personally? How they work with their clients and so on.

2. Further I would necessarily use Trial Membership – opportunity to write an unlimited number of the first letters.  It is a good chance to see how the agency works.

3. I would write no less than 5 first letters. Some women will answer negatively (let us be realists), some will take long to answer, some answers will be boring. I don’t want to lose time and chances.

4. If I receive positive answers, I will upgrade for Golden Membership – opportunity to correspond with an unlimited number of women + 5 addresses a month for free!

5. I will write not less than 2-3 letters a week to each woman. Only such intensive communication will give the best result!

6. For the first month I will be able to determine how many girls I want to correspond with. If they are 1 or 2, then I will pass to Silver Membership. If they are more, then I will buy 6 month Golden Membership. In this way I will save some money.

7. I consider the best strategy is Trial->Golden->Silver. Tried->Chose ->Correspond.

7 ways of the right correspondence.

1. In the first letter I will surely state the following facts: age, profession, country, marital state, children, height-weight. It will be fair towards a woman, as I have seen her profile and she doesn’t know anything about me.

2. I will necessarily attach some photos. And further I will try to send her various photos so she can get accustomed to me.

3. I will necessarily write her what appealed to me in her. I won’t write the same letters to all women, only personal ones.  

4. One guy recently wrote in his letter: “If you are a lady that is looking for a wealthy man then you need to keep looking, i make a very comfortable living but am in

no way close to wealthy so please do not waste my time or yours if your looking for a wealthy man. I like to read, be outdoors in the hot sun and close to the water whenever possible”, and after that he was amazed why all women rejected him.  You mustn’t come to dates with distrust and aggressiveness!

5. My first letter will be neither short or long. But further I will try and write long letters. I have a lot to say! And I am very curious :)).

6. I will try to be romantic. It is the only way to get into Love! And it scares profit-seeking women :))

7. Take it easy!

Do you have your own rules? It would be interesting to get to know about them!

Your comments:

#1 Joseph Carducci (USA) at 2006-10-09
AnastasiaWeb has been identified as a scam agency in the past. In fact, I once dated a woman who worked as an interpreter and letter writer in Kherson, Ukraine. She told me flat out that they would make up letters, because they were paid based on how much they wrote.

Wether or not this is still true (that was about 2 1/2 years ago, before finding my own wife) I am not sure...but I would stay away. The fact that you cannot get them on the phone appears very striking to me. Find out first of all if she is even a real woman, and if so, that she knows who you are and is actually interested in you.

Good luck.
#2 Paul Campbell (Canada) at 2006-07-26
I found your information to be interesting.I believe I have fallen for one of those angency and now I'm sorry I did.They seem very professional.They have a contact number,but when you reach them they say you have to leave a message with their contact on the website.I usually get a respond from them.But I don't know if the lady is real or I have been scammed.Could you please help me with this matter or do you know any one that can.The website is called Anastasia web
Thank you Paul
Author's answer: Dear Paul,

We don't work with Anastasia web and can't state that their principles of works are dishonest or not. We can bear the responsibility only for ourselves. It's you who should be careful because the cases of scam through Internet are widespread. Nevertheless, there can be distinguished some helpful hints how to check if a woman is real or not. Firstly you can call her and talk to her. Secondly you can send her a letter by regular post. Thirdly you can contact any agency in her city and ask them if the address and phone number of the lady you were provided really exist.

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